The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

rPESD AY'S AFTERITOO IT PI I IT 7 KB. at 5 ia bt. Jtie 3 a ben liar re' 9t itti la eke iAi trtrecmtnts. aw (3liU0.O"MdT,; the 33d. at 8 aLegedee yean, JAJtSS CHALA JU.

VIce. laz tbe it forty Jta iaiaent U.i city. rid aequajntaneea, andthoaeof hie mfrft at WIW attend bia which lake plac Thia Afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from BBSleenc, 394 Main street, between jaj isaadlliro. fiBBlB On Honday, 13d after a lln. tsiafBBevIJZZIB, eldeet daughter of Edwin pilml.

Cribble, od 20 year. ffrtfeadsof th family ar invited to attend lr fraRl from tke realdenceof ber parent, KfnaBa itrett, 'near Carondelet, Thia(Tuee tV)9iWtoM HarcbM, at 4 o'clock. and St Pan), papers t2Mnfr Monday; tbe SStb lnat at Are aft 'eteokrf )L lira. RBB8C8A i xlWX. aaaa 8 mui a itlnfluun fc.feitfetlMteat finj threeyeara reaidentof ty.rr.

Bar fcianda, and thoaa ef tbe Brown. Hyde, TfeketMd Wereley tamUiee, are teapectfutly ta Ttt4 ta attend ber funeral, Tkia (Tiieaday) After from tbe raaideneeof hereon, CH' Brawn, 778 atagaslne atreet. i a 1 iQEEAT REDUCTION 1M, THl PBICS OP ClOTHUG AT CilTHWAJTE, LEWIS WTUART'8. Eraat rednction in tbe price of PUUISHUtO. aaXTEWAlTK, LSWT3 k.

STUABri aaoaplateaaaoioncntaf CLOTHING, SHIRTS, HI, aaJe, at the lowest Aarket prlee, by flABTHWAlTK. LEWIS It STFABT nili lUda 31 and 33 Camp atreet. Nonet lost; ur trans irissios by mail. aiiaft drawn by Meaara. Dvi ic Toreano.

of Bsnaa, at twenty daia1 debt, for 43038 18, on bctna. Ferabeimer h. teaaabe, Mobile, and ae m4 then on the Kth Jfarth. and made pay awaattbeoffiee of Meaara. Forcheimer It Haoer, MwOnaana.

TbapnbUe la warned not to nego tiate to msm orart. hwitobi bw seen sioppeo. tub. uraHa k. r.

LABOB.DK. 13 and 35 Bienrille atreet. a. leayaaea nOMT, atP. K.

rva ST. lAJtlK, tiAliiJ, MEMPHIS, raad tbe Benda The new. Uxht draft aaaaencer ateamer MOLL IE ABLE, 8. eroaa, Matter, atoer abOT. For frtirit or paaaage apply j.

ALUS, WATJTf 33 Vatebes atreet. 1 B. ham for Porterage en thia boat, rtawiiaiv wi 1 pleaae give tbair bacgao tbe aaata rotter, and get check for the aame. nhi4j OCACBTTA EI VI a PACKST. Jertaaon WEDK8DAT.

25tb inat at 5 P. M. JOB CAMDKH, TRKJTOJT, MOW roe, Barriaonborg; Oohunola, Trinity. 1 and intermediate an RlTera The aplendiditeamar intJ? Bnk" aaaoter, A. Beard, wlQieare aa above.

For freight or paasaje P7 aa baard, feat of BienTille atreet mSu LARGE OPENING Of. ry BAB.EGE9 AND FilUIOM, tvTA! '5 TBB AI. AT BRASELMAK MSoi iueAinr .586 and (68 Cornet Bt. Andrew. bt M.

Pmbiile cfcla Daaay aocat Mew Orleana March X3. 18 39 fT? tt edmplemient of ben ffclary adeta which tbe Board of School Diree. iuaBWorcd to aend to the State Seminary jit: wiuu at Alexandria. Application for datta tboae Taaanctoa, ataOna: ace, natne. f'ittaSnperintendoBt'a office before MOM.

i. JU en which day all tho eandidatea 7 yoaast theosaelTea far oxamination. Further "lL" oeoocaiaea 1 1ra TinrlarMtHj w. BwiMa, Dopecinienaant. Fesal Notice to Skippers of Meaapbia Freichl The ateamer BOBKBT B.

LEK, Jaba W. Cannon, which leaves THIS EVB at o'clock, will take freight for Memphia llaal laadinga, haring made arrangements a lbs AY, laacket Sea Are, which connect Ataeleo at Tickaburg. mhH it Tiaasn mi Ummran NiIm t. ftijaatisa the vnderaigned baa been ap miiB ui too anaira or tne VTT" hobb nnoar tne style of L. Graham, iwNjbaainoas at Ho.

80 Camp atreet ot thia J3jrti. Ttcg daiaa againat the above office aUaaitiaa Moated to the officVare warned aiviLirir.T"!: "nnoeraignen ia authorized tee aame. ara it pit vittd There at 7t asae: Monda. toaalsid Bt otJbt attendance ia a ALRX. MARKS.

Preaideat M.AFiB,teratary.. mhJl It I rfkJSJffflWWMo Tackle. naa ia etoea and readT tor att mast (ranUt. i. Fumr.hL'1s uenk VjiJ offer to wholeaalebuytra at JWOITATIOH OF FORBIQSf DRY i ef deaWre to' my fcttt Swiaf Season.

M. PATBO, AM S6 CrjBtomhouae atreet MfitejSH 8TKADT MAS TO fwtlia. firZ. 1 aoouag company ta wnnt iireJerrodTApplT at 91 0VJ? OFFICIAL HIB i mU? 8CLTS, BY HON. ALBX kiSS'Ar? latanae deaAfewrery mmmiZ btiB wita an i i aba beat eabaerip r6 loa ba ritl 1 1 BS a uvjara 'w af thTZZZ1 toiana, ana a mu with notioeaof the preaa, aoeenrteraDa, and a fuU wiVJ yraUBHWO COM PAST, 7" JW St Lonia, Mo.

i jUooBB and wiU conataaUy keep ptCBAMpAaB, WBTSKBT, TWJ Old Baker WHISKEY, as SaptrkM' Cabinet WHtsKBT. Lwae Canal and Howie TO. a ana, fox sate fat i i raeiBB, aodBnw Cured HAMS. wmSKBT.eteT 1 a BiVJiVT 1 street I 1 7aat AaaweUtiaa. 1' TiTH of this Aaaociatio Ibm BjawasaiAfc UI WT1BBB aTkAHAa.

A TT TTrrrnn stmcil TJHJosarJBS 5ysSPORK. "iWilH3 ad SHOULDERS. '2 and Superfine FLOUR. 1 Iron For ffiomnttrnri Slimetarj. Tpesdat, March 24 11 A.

If. Cottqs Tba market opened thia morning uniiiea inquiry, and alibouwi' Borne factors a disposition to meet th'1 oemana more irecly, yet tans far we have neara oi no saiea of any moment. Oar qao wiona iaai evening were il for vframary, Ma sie. tor Good Ordinary, 54c. iori.ow auddimg, for Jlid unug, ana oc, lor Strict Middling.

mm.iiwra xuo receipis irom the Coast this moraine; comprised 17 hhds. ooia. ana nau DDIs. MoUssea. Tha market is well supplied with fair to prime Sngar, bat choice, which is moat in reonest, is XJ7 There were sales to day of some in ayerai iow.

at 14c. for seconds, 14Uo. for fnlly fair to prime, and 17c i lb for white clarified. Molasses Is dull. There i TlCi M' nowerer, of 163 half bbla.

i wc gallon ror common re DOlIed. and BOC. for chnirA rohniloH for imported Sngar and Uolas ees to dull, and only a retail business ia doin? in So ear at lSWlSc lb forNos. 12 and id oozes; 14 15c. for Nos.

15 and 16. rnd 15S 15c. for Kos. 19 and 20. We are informed that the sales to the Government yeaieruay were at I2gc.

IB for No. 13. Mo1 is quoted by the cargo at 56 a arrivals from the Wbst There have not ueen any arrivals since oar review of yes terday. FLOUR There anneared lalia ln dann.J to day, and prices have ruled more in favor of onyers. iue sales embraced 750 of eupernne miy ry; iW) ao.

and JIK) extra on private terms 200 doable extra at iv run ana loo treble at 11 50 bbL I vujl jast iTBDioK, not previously re ported, xooo sacks white sold in autre at ti i bushel. To day the market is steady and firm, uvmama ina nam supplies, sales. while, in store, at T.v1,1 landing at si.ouu white mixed ai i ws, 7uand ooo white at h4 vosoei. Oats The demand is moderate at yeeter and 1J(H, 8ck wer' aold, of aocona nana nags at 300 and uow inn c. ousnei.

CKAjr ihe demand is fair to day, but at lower rates, sales 700 sacks, of which ana ouu at i ou or iyu re. eUing to tbe trade at $18 50 a 19 ton ior prime and choice Western. I inrt Tb. a. 1 "T1 ewe ia iignt, tne demand is gooa uwuy ana prices have advanced T.

lner were "ales ol tierces, v. tierces rair, on ut spot on ori prime, on the spot, at lb'ac, and 100 to 16'Ae. lb. arrive, marked tare, at rosKibe market appears to be dull and aepressea. mere were no sales of any im portanca to day.

although mess is offered at fj ow. it is retailing atf 75 a 27 bbl. Drt Salt Meat Shoulders at 1 Use. lb. are jobbing Bacon Is dull, and only a jobbing buai nesa is doing at 12 S12c.

lb for shoulders. J6e. for clear sides, and 15Vsc for clear ribbed. MOKBTAJtT. TramiT.

afa.wh it a ar The money market continues easy, without Gold opened at tbe redniuu! hm scsil?" 14 140 yT; $40,000 Nothing has transpired yet in Foreign Ex vviunus is quiet, out nrm. ihe banks continue to check on New Tork at cent, premium, and the sale of commercial include $35 000 New York sight at 5 16. Sell ers generally ask Some national currency was forwarded to New York to day, which the remitter would rather do than buy sight We see no indications of any movement in Stocks. None were sold at either Board yesterday. City Treasury noUs are dull and drooping.

Dealers buy at 24 325 discount, against 23 yesterday, and sell at23a23. it the Board last evening $S500 sold at 22. We hear of uv uuTEncui in exate notea pBOVISIOSS PBOVISIOX8 30 caaka Clear 8IDSS. 30 CindnnaU SHOCLDBRa. 22 Clear BIB BRD 8IDE3.

TO twrcea Fancy h. HAMS. 50 bbla. Dominick'a MBSS BBKF. 100 tierce LEAF LARD.

JOOkega Choiee LEAF LARD. 1000 boxea, It STAB CANDLES. 500 Befintd FBARL 9TAROH. IS Bxtra BBBF TOHGURS. Fo5 Jy OSCAR BKRCIBR It mh333t 60 Magaalne atreet Jis A5D POBTBB i at Hoa.

96 and 97 Camp atreet have ia etore and en route a stock of Alee and Porter to meet the demand of the approaching warm apring weather. B. G. Berkley, Perkins Ca's best London Brown STOUT. Byeee'a beat Stout London POBTBB.

Cm. Bran'a Sparkling ALB. Jeflriea'B Sparkling Bdiaborc ALE of the Herint Brewery. nOler'a Bremen LAGEB BBBB. Beat India PALS ALB.

W. H. EEHHI5G CO. mb23 3t 95 and 97 Camp atreet jpOB SALB, WHOLBSALB AKD BXTAIL 100 boxes Aaaorted CAJTDIE3, of SO Bt each. 200 300 300 100 500 50 Hi 25 100 165 100 oris Aaaorted SUGAR PLCMS, rrnr Of 10, 36 and 5 lis.


BoVlid30" SWEETMEATS, FLOWERS, LEAVES, OBRAMSNTS, etc JUICB OP FRBXCH FRniTR for RmM Tja rM.M. MOHDn, LIC and PASTR1 ajMi. rami fartiee and Weddinga attended to with disoate.h. BBHRST T0BPIX 98 Old Levee, mh23 3t between Conti and 8t Lonia grsDRiga sujrDRixs btjxdribs 2000 bbla Choioe FLOUB, all gradsa PJaat'a Bxtra, Plant'a FaTorite, Plant' Llndell, Smith's Favorite, and other brand. 3000 bbla.

Hoary MBSS PORK. 100 Prime 100 Bump M0 tea. Choice LARD. 500 kega 10S too. Magnolia HAMS.

E50 DaThr Ragle HAMS. 50 boxea BreakfaaT BACON. 100 caaka Prime CLEAR SIDES. ISO 8HOCLDBR8. 50 CLEAR BIB SIDB8.

200 firkin Choioe Weetern BCTTKB. .100 Geahen Pot aale by XBBP at CAULFTBLD, mh32 3t 17 and 79 Poydraa atreet to FJ1IH PLATE PIG TIK IBOB WIBB SHEET Bar Iron steel Plows Eoes CbairA Axes, SpikeaBells. eto, sate at low price, by B. 3. WIST, mbl8 119 and 131 Jlagaziae street I l)e (Sutning picayune NEW ORLEANS.

TUESDAY EVENING. 4. THIS KVENINO. 8T Fight of Mra (. barlea Howard Watkias Kathleen Mavaur neen.

ACADKMT OF Tbe Virginia Mummy." The Variety Combination. JTEW OPERA Grand opera of 'Fauaf THB VAR1BTT13 THBATRK. Stoop to Con iiper'V 'Perdita, or the Royal Milkmaid." CBiSCMT Cm tho St Char lea Hotel. Thasks. To the clerk of the steamer Mary for Mobile papers.

To the clerk of the Wild Wagoner for a Natchez paper. To Hcnrv Clews and Caldwoll Xt New York, for financial and cotton circular. To Mr. C. H.

Cormier, purser of steamship Agnes, for late papers. To W. Richardson Galveston. Taxaa. for tho nwi trice current, lnat.

td? Eev. Dr. Beckwith delivered his last discourse to Trinity congregation on Sunday last The service in the when we were present. Wfis attended by a throng which filled all the aisles and vestibule, while very many went away, unable to obtain seats or places to stand. When, after tbe ante communion service, he came to give out the notices, he addressed some words of counsel to his people, urging them' to rally to the assistance of whoever might be his successor, as they had around him, assuring them that he would regard it aa the greatest reproach of his life should they fall away and neglect their duty, because he would no more be with them, as some had said would be the case with Trinity.

He spoke of the gentleman elected to take his place as one whom all who knew him declared to be in all respects able to do all and be all that they could wish him to do and be, and far more than supply bis place but whoever might be their pastor, he begged them to rive him all of zeal and energy they had, for God's sake and the cause ol the church, and to be to the successor all they had been to him who left them. His sermon was mainly devoted to defend ing his church in its claim to possess the original creeds and worship in all their purity. He bad previously declared his inability to preach a farewell sermon. After the sermon he asked the communi cants present to remain, although this was no regular day for the celebration of tbe Eacha net, and commune with him. They did so to the extent of over 400, and the services were thus protracted until nearly 3 "dock, which was naraiy noticed, so wrapt up in the elo qnenoe of the pastor and the solamnitv of uua Ajan supper," were all of this eongre gation.

Al af The musical services on this occasion war the) Gloria ia Ezoalsis from Mozart's Twelfth Mass, rang as an Introit the Venit. fcf Con cone, arranged by Seward the) Gloria, after the Psalter, arranged by Gun tor, from Mozart the To Deum from Mereadante's Three Voiced Mast; the Jubilate, arranged from Est, by oewnra. a no onertory piece was a solo and cnorus, dj a.L bouthard, entitled I will be The solo was beautifully sung by Miss Weaver. All the musio was vey well given. We were peculiarly pleased with the joyful tone of the Jubilate, which was some what new, altogether new.

indeed, in thia church. We would here observe that on one or two former occasions, when we were present, Jerusalem the Golden was sung as an tV troit, and then the congregation rose. On this occasion the Gloria in Eaxelsis was sung before service, and the conaroiratinn r. mained seated. In the ordinal it.

i. tA the minister shall berin the Morning by reading one or more of the following sentences of tbe scripture." Of course a piece sung by the choir while the minister is entering or finding the lessons is not such beginning, and the congregation should not rise even when one of these sentences is ung. At the same time it is questionable whether it be not right to rise, at any time, when the Gloria Patri or th Excelais is sung, even if there be no service and no expectation of any. Dr. Beckwith will leave, we learn, Thursday or Friday next.

His consecration takes Place on Thursday week, in St John's Church, Savannah, the Bishop of North Carolina being consecrator, and the Bishops of South Carolina, Alabama. Florida and Lou isiana as assistants. The Bishop of Alabama is to preach the sermon. Thomas and Staktos. According to a Washington special, a number of army officers, who have the interests of Adjt Gen.

Thomas at heart, have waited on him and advised him to reaimi the nnaitinn nf of War ad wteru. By way of adding force to this advice, they intimated to the Adjutant General that if he did not resign. Congress wmu.roooiT legislate mm out of the Ad tant Generalship The Supreme Court Jus tices were once threatened with the loss of uieu ureao ana cutter, on a memorable occa sion, to coerce uem into obedience to party wenoBia wny not use tne same argument in vo wtsre aHjiaianf general The same special authority says Gen. Thomas has taken pity npon Stanton, and dispatched an amicable letter to him. an vino him understand that he could go home and become acquainted with his family.

There had never been anyintention to take forcible possession of the War Office. By Telegraph. Shbbveport, March 2a To Capt R. Sin nott Will leave tomorrow, at 1 o'clock will arrive Thursday and leave Saturday. C.

Montgomery, Captain steamer B. L. Hodge No. 2. Padccah, March 21 To 8innott dt Adams Will leave Monday instead of Tuesday.

J. a Neal, Low Pressure steamer Richmond. Vicksbckg, March 23. To 8innott Adams: Indiana will arrive' Wednesday morning, and leave Thursday evening. E.

Neal. For New York. The magnificent steam hip Msrcedita, Cast Smith, will leave for New York direct on to morrow (Wednesday) evening, the 25th inst, at 8 o'clock in the fJvft from her wharf, opposite the Vege ttble Market, Second District The Merce dita has splendid accommodations for passengers, and is a most delightful veeeel to travel unon. She will leave punctually at the time advertised. Her agenta are Messrs.

Geo. A. osdick corner of Camp and Natchez streets. Be Ial pace of TDay'o Paper. a to he LETTER PROM THE RIO GRANDE 'jne Cortina seat Under Arreat to the Capital Escebedo, Ilia Enemy, lomiag AlataunoroM Bagdad to be "Fortified Againat the Brldeh Wmr with Great Britain Expeeted The Franda aBd Forcertea la the Brown vllle CaatomHaae.

(Special Correpondenoe of the Picayune. Browxsvillb, Texas, March 13, 1868. That renowned bandit, Gen. Juan N. Cor una, nas probably been perforated ere this wim very libera bullets.

Some time since he got permission of Juarez to re tire irom tne service and disband his troops. something like 800, on the Rio Grande. To wis ena ne left the Mexican capital for Mata moros, to be followed in time by his warriors. But before Cortina reached Matamoroe he was ordered back to the The cause of this vacillation on the part of nuu uuru waa tne tear mat uortina would kick up a revolution in Tamaulipas if allowed to set a footinir on th Hin rtranH. tr.KH.

had so represented to his Presidentship, and hence the order for Cortina to report back at the city of Mexico. This Cortina failed to do. Spies were put on his track, and he was the other day trapped and sent under strong escort to the city of Mexico. It is very probable that, under charges of insubordination and inciting revolution, be has been convicted and executed. Should these deductions from the above tacts prove correct tbe peace of Mexico has one less enemy.

But there are a thousand more of them, and a thousand yet to come. Our Tamaulipas Governorship imbroglio still slumbera Military power is supreme in that old revolutionary hot bed. Gen. Palacios commander of the line of the Brazos, is straining every nerve to keep the peace, and is altogether an improvement on all former commanders. Gen.

Escobedo will be in Matamoros in a few days or hours. His mission here is to commence fortifying at the mouth of the Rio Orande, on the ait of the hurricaned Bagdad. It is understood that five hundred men and ten pieces of artillery will be moved down to Bagdad in a very few days. Anticipated trouble with the Briti8h Government is the cans of an advanceto the coast. We are assured that Escobedo is acting under positive directions of Juarez.

There will be a large increase of military force at Matamoroe, in order to carry oat this new programme, and it is not improbable that a corresponding augmentation of military will take place on the American side of the river. In this connection it may be noted that large packs of artillery are being hurried forward from the Mexican interior to all the Gulf ports. Tampico is to be strongly forti faed, and that right off. What grouuas the Mexican Cabinet have for supposing that there is eoina to ba war mad nmn more thn known here. The local revolution in the State of Puebla, one of the richest and most populous States in Mexico, assuming huge proportions.

As inSinaloa, Yucatan and Guerrero, the fires of revolution in Puebla are burning brightly. It is enough to say that issues are making fn every Mexican State to set the revolutionary cauldron boiling. The cue torn house imbroglio daily becomes and mow ewrnpUx The court baa hold matter, and the grand jury is plastering Indictments thick and fist on the backs of the custom houee official, Tery specie of fraud known to pandemonium has cropped ut Not less than twenty or twenty five indictments will be found against the deputy collector and receiver, and one or two employee will quit hkly come in for a full ahare of grand jury compliments. Deputy Collector H. M.

Field. Receiver O. Aubert and Inspector Gaytano Solari were yesterday arreated on true bills found by the grand jury. The charges are fraud, forgery and embezzlement Tbe only one, however charged with forgery is Mr. O.

Aubert. 7 oi Secretory MoCulloch, Mr. leld and the inspector and receiver are suspended Sirange as it may appear, in the face of these indictment and arrests, in tbe face of tbe damning evidences, Mr. Field has sued out a writ of jvo rah anto against the Treasury agents now in charge of the customhouse. The case will com up, in fact is up, before Judge Watrous at this 10 o'clock, A.

March 13, 1808. This is the dying effort to stave off investigation and cover up tracks, but it is made too late. This custom house affair is disgustingly humiliating. It evinces a demoralization, effron try and depravity beyond anything that has ever come to the knowledge of the American people. Mexico haa been distanced.

Her custom houses are pinks of purity, when com pared to the Brownsville Pandora Box. A large gang, charsred with hf ata.i;n are up before Judge Galvan undergoing pre mmHan. wue oi them, under low bond to appear to day, crossed the river ast wgni. ne wiUTrobably be extradited. Prom Hayti.

Eout of SaUactOtitraya on Wealth Fa )n iiovte in Certain vrv rt l.w i.w. rt irnze tke Outturn Contingencies The Caco JieMt, etc. Havana, March 18, 1868. a M8 tfom Jclto February UnmriHorl thirtir tt iwiucui oainava snn hn Amfllt a "VU1 vpo nayuenana peasantry in overwhelming force and sustained great loss. The brother of th lit Ln waa pursuea dv tn am has also met with a alow death.

Delorme ie at Port an Prince proclaiming victories that have never been won, and giving deceptive feasts. The French Admiral has demanded pay ment of the Haytien arrears to France for the last three years. In case of an unsaUs iactory reply, he is, according to instructions, to seize the Custom House and collect payment himself. Conscriptions are active, and there seems to be a special design against wealthy families. A certain Senor Carvaiho, an independently wealthy gentleman, had to pay two hundred thousand dollars, or be impressed into the service.

It is supposed that he has been killed or kidnapped. The Government offi ciale are already looking after his property. Other wealthy persons have escaped in female attire, or are hid in the foreign con sulates. The Caco rebels manifest no desire for bloodshed. They disappear for awhile and Uien suddenly fall on the troop of the tvrant Salnave.

All communication between "Cape Hay tien and Port au Prince is cut off. The Haytien Chambers have voted a subsidy OZ twenty fivo thonaond LillM Sn of the steam line that is to connect Portau Pnnce, Gonaives. Jeremj. An nu t. mel, Kingston and New York.

The Haytien Government offers the use of steamer to lay the international cable that is touch that island. It also guarantees tbe company a dividend on the stock amounting cnt The sharee are bne han dred dollars. To Prevent Wevil in Cora. A friend, tells us that a certain preventive against wevil in corn ia the common Jerusalem oak bushes scattered promiscuously through the com when it is being housed. It not only keepe warns out of the corn, hnt Ami th.nL.

already in the corn. Our informant saya be has tried it and found it a perfect suoceaa. IGansaies (Texas) Iaquiier. of Off in The Charge Against Gov. Baker.

THE examination continued. The examination of his Excellency, Gov. Baker, on the charge of perjury brought by the freedman Harry Dennis, was continued this morning before U. 8. Commissioner shannon.

John Lewis, colored, was at Camp Bisland ml8bl and 1862; saw Gov. Baker there giving instructions about the fortifications worked on the fort Gov, Baker said the work must be well done the fort was on both sides of the bayou Gov. Baker was on both sides of the bayou three or four times there were four cannon in the fort. Cross examined. Gov.

Baker gave hie orders to the headman; had no time to pay attention much to bow the head man looked. I Witness was here confronted with Col. Su akowski who had charge of the work, but failed to recognize him. In answer to the pioaecution, (Mr. Shelly) the witness said bis brother was killsd in the camp.

Just here the defence made objection to a number of leading questions propounded by the prosecution. discussion created quite a flutter in court, when matters became quieted. Jarnes Hollingshead, colored, was sworn Gov. Baker had a ship yard on the bayou; the Confederate gunboat Hart was being re paired there when the Yankees came up some of Gov. Baker's men worked on the Hart, and some on the gunboat Cotton, in this yard Opie and Jeff were the names of the men they were carpenters saw Gov.

Baker in the ship yard, when the Hart was there, looking around he gave no orders at all witness was free before the war. Alfred Feutis, colored Was aboard of the gunboats Hart and Cnttnn of the live oak on the bayou. Tbe live oak waa annk in th i the Yankees from comina nn iaier on tho cotton iA.t.ct kAa. as" uveal 1A11U ask Capt Fuller where they were iroinir to make the blockade the Governor told Capt oiler he could nnt. th Kim v.

Uionght btit; witness was looking at him and The prosecution here asked for an att ak ment against Mr. White to compel him to bring into court the files of the Attakapas Kegister. The that they would close. THE DEFENCE. CoL V.

8ulakowaki a on tteTec in 18i)2 and 63 all th wnrk. ed under his direction wa ki.r the district. receivtna nrAm t. i lay lor alone had a carte blanche from Gen. Taylor; witness had no orders from Pw Baker; had one a.

Baker a committee was appointed to assist witness in the way of money and materials knowing Judge Baker before the war wit ness was anxious to bav him Jdge Baker gave his reasons and declined; one of the committee, Mr Parkinson, said Judge Baker was a Union man and he would not do udge Baker used come around the works and fortifications, looking after, as he supposed, his negroes and the property which the Government had im preeaed. belonging to him heard people frequently say that Judge Baker waia Union man never heard him accused of being a Confederate. (owxamined Was naturalized a citizen of the United State in 1856 took the oath to the Confederacy in 1861 received his commission from Mr. Jefferson Davis, and ordered to report Gen. Magruder with his regiment; went on theTechein September.

1862, and left in January, 1863 was stationed at Camp Bisland all th, time Gov. Baker calld upon him at that pla to get him to release his boat, the Archer, which Gov. Baker had sold, and which i oaa impressed witness is a registered voter of th cty of New Orleans; it would bave been a farce for any civilian to have i vcii oraera aoont tne obstructions and fortifi wouuiiB, uea. jaouion would not have attempted to do it was not present when the obstructions were placed in the Atchafalya in Mr. Shelly said that at a proper time he would move to strike out all of Col.

8ola kowski's evidence, on the ground that he had once taken an oath to support the United o.aieswnen naturalized, and afterwards, bv uau iviomuiea penury by taking an oath to support the Confcderat Oil! MSB. ut. nnaapeaie Allen Resides at Centre ville, near Franklin took an active part gainst secession until he had to stop did a uiu uuaing wnue uen. Banks was in tbe country had to stop talking most of the time 01 nP knew who were me union men oeiore the reign of terror com mcucwi; cmon men even avoided each uiner jur icar oi maxing a mistake knew wot. oaaer; saw mm rreqnently in 1862 trom Marcb, 1862, up to April, 1863; no Union man dared to expresa his opinionjit would have been oAceetungiy aimcuit ior anyone to have gotten out of the lines some tried it and succeeded, and others failed his uncle and father in law took the oath to the Confederacy in order to uiu long ana perilous journey on foot to ooreveport with an irresponsible guard in aar was the most earn est union man in the country got than warm no man cheered me up more any other man ha nui UMkI wuiui uenaer oi us wouia nave dared to hav repeated In publitf; Gov.

Baker was not a meinoer oi ui pouc jury when the obstruc none were placed down; Gov. Baker con Boitea me wnetner it would do on on occasion to refuse the impressments. Witness thought the beet way was to yield and say nothing witness told Gov. Baker he was going to get out of the country the Governor said no things will be all" right after awhile, we can't spare you;" witness was appointed a commissioner of election in February. 1864 in th midat nf the a iakyti vvi (there were only seven vote cast,) Gov.

Baker rode UO and Some ITninn man aak al kin. what he was going to do be said he did not kuvibo, oat ne was to the ngnt oi voting, ue did vote, and witness cuoBioerea mat mis was the best test of a union man at that time Gov. Baker was aurpected of sympathizing with the Confederates, but only by Union men witness never inspected rum because he knew he was a union man Gov. Baker would have been received ne nau not attended to his inter ests wnen witness heard that flo Rira. was cnargea with perjury he set down and wrut voluntary statement to him.

Wit ness nere read the written Rtatamant request of counsel Cross examined by the Commissioner Witness ia in favor of th raYmatntian law Congress, and ia a supporter of the National Republican party; is ttill a supporter I aa mwaZA a t. Ti vjrww uv uao witness nver took an oath to support the Confederacy; he was persecuted for it; tbe only wav I waa utu) v. k. pnyucian tne seven vote east at th election. I apvawt oi, war ior tne Hon.

j. u. A. Fellow et, on of tho counsel in thia cas for th defence; have not read the new constitution and cannot say whether he will wot for it or not if it is a good on ha will. Gov.

Baker was not aomnlimantad hi th papers by the Confederates, that he knows of. The Confederates said Gov. Baker was hypocrite. It was a time of general suspicion. ound a file a few days ago, of the Attakapas Register, where Gov.

Baker bad rjartfainatad a meeting at Franklin. Did not ask Mr. nn wnat ne would use to destroy it Th examination waa dura mntmna4 nntil Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock. as in 8pecial to tbe New Orleans Picayune. WASHINGTON, House Replication to the PTetldent't Answer Piled The Argument for More Time.

Oen. Buchanan Aa signed to the Fifth Military District The Assignment Merely Temporary. Washingtoh, March 24. In the impeachment matter, the House has adopted its repli cation to the Presidents answer, and filed it in court Thil afternoon the argument for more time will be made by the President's counsel. Gen.

Buchanan has been assigned to the command of the Fifth Military District The assignment, however, is merely temporary. Looker On. The Vote on Granting: Time to rh President. Refusal of the Senate TLrarAA a. Equivalent to Conviction.

An Early Departure of the President from Washington Anticipated. Washington, March 24. On the question of granting further time (30 daval to th. pMI. dent for preparation of his defence, the Sen ate refused by a vote of yeas 11, nays 41.

TMa vote is regarded as equivalent to the ultimate conviction of the President Indeed so profound is thia impression upon the minds of th members of the Cabinet, that they express an anticipation of the early departure of the President from Washington. Butler's railroad speed will be the order of the triaL Snow Ball. New York Associated Press Dispatches FROM EUROPE. London and Liverpool Markets. New Tork Cotton and Gold Market.

Prom the Southwest Pass. London, March 23. An Imperial ukas lMUe4' leing th absorptionof Japan advices represent that country again quiet, the Tyeootfs rebellion having Seen suppressed. Boston, March 23. Arrived Concordia from New Orleana.

Richmond, March 23. The Convention, to day, adopted the article on the judiciary. Ice judges are chosen bv tVia I. Dy ma popie. The ohiib Muurueys are appointed.

Henry Myer was shot in an affray on Bro oirrei ipw morning at dawn, and mortally wnnnial oMnt awKuuiu, a wu anown merchant, was arrested, charged with the shooting, and bailed to answer. Wilmington, March 23. The Radicals claim that the constitution will be ratified, but the Conservative have speakers canvassing every county in tbe State, and feel confl dent of success. Conservative are also canvassing every captain district a 'oiers. an aayantage appears in favor of the onBervauves, irom the fact that consider aoie apathv exists among the negroes, but T) ABFAWW a3 wmi vote will tie polled, vjuite a sensation was created yesterday bv than Ba anaaH.Aa i J.

av rPauwj vi uumoer oi mT8terioaa Vl 1 Am a a a jM ia UVw, pwmi ui prominent pieces and sup posed to emanate from the Kn trin. trir. It is not believed, however, that any formal organization of this society has been atiected Southwest Pars. MaroK oj 11 A. M.

liiu DUUUJ. arrivcu oaip ta. m. chase, master, mivbu ex. uaiiy; steamship ot Mary, Bourne, master, Indianola, merchan disc and passengers to C.

A. Whitney oc Co. an uoynton, Byler, master, Havre, in ballast to master bng Sir Robert Peel, Connor, master, from Sagua, cargo merchandise o. xruiavra. Sailed Schooners Anna TVon ar, nto.

wamtaaa. London. March 24. Vnnn r. wkvtuiMoo lav changed.

Liverpool, March 24. Nooa. Cotton opens quiet esumatea sales 10,000 bales. Washington. March 94 rti.T, nn.u..

is aaeigned to duty under his brevet rank, WWT 1 Ala 1 A. a nun to command the Filth Military District, nendinir Dan rxv. absence. Mo, "K' WK flIW IORE. March 9J 1 'Bj uiis city neia a large meet ing to devise relief for their Southern brethren.

Bishop Potter addressed tba m.rW ca committee was appointed to iwoommend VTvta, TP I i X.a ST. 4" Parliament said that li TMt.MAnvZwi VAniabtlllO AIlTBrDr irTlBraia Aft Aavnt i uvmj nauons auiea dv trade and race. New York, March 24. Gold, 1381 5 20s 02 coupons, 109? exchange, 109. Washington.

Maroh 24. The foUowmg is the general replication to tbe Preeident's answer agreed upon by the board of managers Washington, March 24. Th Hons has adopted th managers' replication 115 to 36. auv UVIINt UmUM WIJWUWW UTO WBimr and plea, reply that is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors in manner 'and form as charged, anything in his answer to the con trary notwithstanding. The House ia readv to make this mml when tbe Senate is ready to hear.

The Radicals denounce the King of Prussia Copperhead for using th word "raoe nia apeeccn oi congratulation on the expatriation treaty. Liverpool. March 24. Afternoon. unchanged.

London. March 24. Afternoon rvni bonds 72. March 24. Flour dull wheat lw2c lower; corn lc lower rw fc cotton, Middling Uplands fieights dulL Bv a diarjateb in r.

Nttkeraon dated March 23, we learn that the Bteajsship Concordia, Capi 8ara, bene for Boston, arrived yesterday (22d.) and that th steamship Kensington, for this vyr, via. sad sailed on th 18th. Also, mat th ConeArdia. wanld a I on the; ain 28th inst: i 1 Interesting frdfev Mexico. special CorrespOAdanc New Tork 1 Mazatlan.

Feb. 13, 18G8. Ex G6v. Placido Tegs, on a private visit here en route ti P.iitimi waa aiTfMiyeatefday aftaruoon by armed forces of th General GTenunnt! cnd nlt? St now a pris oner cnstomious.J'Gfn..Mart&si. Lit1.

JDxf iUTl Governor ofthS rrV M.kayingthat ke zenAltfe wtSS1" ordered his releas, whfch is to be complied with Or refused thij afternoon. In th latter case Vega's friend, nufflwous and influential, ar for? P'oodahed predicted to Reports have It that to mbniw moVnliiir Vegs will be declared V4. otTt? hy universal assent th pcopl. 7r informed men say that th whole affair, will end in th Northwestern States of, uw ana lnaen pendent, asking for United States 'prbtectionj Th American man of war Saginaw srrivedl here from the Gulf this afternoon. Her eer vices may be needed.

Nothing lately heard from Gov. Eubi. con sUtutionally elected Governor of tbe He holds his own in the mountains about Co pala against Granadoe and Palaela Canada and International Currenci. Savsf an Ottawa dispatch of th 18th 1481 nifht. Hon.

Mr. Ross) introduced an set, the object ofwWehis assimilate th currency of th Dominiotu In th event of England and th United States not carry ing out the recommendations agreeef to in Paris, then the bill hriii.a t.rSiZir Scotia Btandard aptothe present standard oft th United States and Canada would beputua force by proclamation but if the recommen a dations were carried out by the Tnitedr StatesT and England then the act would put is fore which adapted the currency of Canada v. row prevailing ov Bootia, an vviuu uica prevail in th States. Uaitext; THB CIT Y. Thdaj is 5 o'clock, too warm to be ntireli pleasant, but we are prepared for that st thii Firb iLastNioht.

Th alarm of fir givers at 2 clock this morning was occasioned bm the burning of a portion of the roof of the) kitchen auached to the dwelling of Mrs. Michel! on St Thomas street, between MeU pomene and Thalia. Stolen. Property. At an early hour this4 morning a nun by the nam of W.

Ford waa arrested on South Market atreet by Offlc Steramete, charged with having stolen proper ty his possession. The bus will put inaa immediate appearance before the Recorder ony Fast Daivixo. officer whit; last nightj arreeted a hack named ivfm chard; eon, on Gravier street, charged IK Bgars, with twtuWlZnmvul ftriousj driving. Th xdUbU Jehn will appear this taonung befor th or PoKrYawtexdar. Offioer Dupass arrested man namsd AD irMa, ion a stolen pony.

The man being snspU ctoiu and disreputable character wT takint int custody. MCOvbkt OF 8roixw PROPiRTT. Yesterday, Officer Holten, by virtue of searcls warrant, found in tba bona i. on the corner of Esplanade and Tonti street! some diamond jewelry, silver ware, and quantity of valuable linen goods, the property of A. M.

D. Mezxa, and which was stolen from his residence som time siaoeu ChA RQrd with Larcext A aoiui nam, rf Inhn TTnL day evening by Officer MoutonjCharge byj? H. Pope with larceny. Hewfll put in an ap2 pearanc to day and answer to th charge. Night Lodgers.

The charge of vagrancv wf fgahist thee nightly haunters ot the police station in the Soaond Di trirt thm vwu wiviuua wma hi i aara, I naot unk that with) this delightful weather pleasant sleeping apartments may be found in the open air. Military Display. Lafayette Sonar) presented quit an aniaraud spaeUcle this) morning by marching aquadrona to th sound! of martial music, performing 11 th notations) and maneuvres of the drOL It was a vrw pleasant sight to see, but th local had rathe see it in others, than do it hirnaeU ratber fa ugtiing, if our recollection serves us right Pexjdrt. Th charg of periury pre erred gainst James Rodriguez by Michael GrahilJ was continued by the Record this morning to tbe 1st of Apnifor examination, with tb consent of the accused. Bonds wars requireit him in $250.

BrsGLART. John Jackson, aceused of bur glanously entering the store of U.G.Lyon. No. 12 New Levee atreet, on th night of th 15th inst and carrying away goods of various kinds remanded to appear before the First District Court for trial ia bonds of $500. Desperate Assault.

Joseph Oginskl complains in an affidavit this morning tba. Thomas Long, without causa or provocatioiL: made a desparate and dangerous aaaault upon him on 8t Charles street, last night ThtV cas is fixed by the Recorder for sunal bearing on the 31st inst. rT. Distressing. A newsboy, afflicted wita one of these inourabl pbysioal disorders) which culminate ia attack of convulsion, was attacked this morning with a fit st the corner of Fourth and Apollo streets.

Quite crowd gathered around the suffering boy, but he soon got up and went off with his) paper. Arson. Jane Turner, colored female. was arrested last night on charts preferred by A. Chalmell, with thrsatening to burn hit? house down, and to visit npon hist certain) other dire calamities too horribi to Whereupon th alarmed Chalmall bad h.

rested. Raeatrder ttrlll CeBart," J. arraiirnakl oat ii)iMil nit and batterv tMhrnJ t. Gowan, was dischars ed and thai Mu i missed. Henry Juns.

forarmdrr was required to contribute $10 to th city's) financial iwsourcea. Mary Gnffln, charged with braaeb that peace, was permitted so on a uromia noaore.n William Richardaon, the furious driver, was required to pay $20 to the City TresW vnanee ueimor, charged with aaaault sndj battery, was discharged, the aocusatfoh beicg? withdrawn. Gorg William a naid as lor iltnrfiTn peae of his Mighborbood. ibvdh raiion was sent to tne Workhouse for 90 days, on a charge of swindling. ThomSS Everatt waa finaA A v.h?,j (WanddiBorrJarly.

vuir minor conoM as usaaL i a 17 Those kaaxyinar aoraaa ahanbl. twrloa a week, grvs thamshandfui of salt and sshssi joixtnern aahea. I of salt to and it will keep prevent bote. eoiiCi etc7 wv u.i' SlrT'Wi( is t..

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.