The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

THE HOT SA SOK bt o. w. houcxs. The folks that on the firat of May Wora wimter eoc' anil hose, Began to aay, toe tnt o' 'nne, "Ob, my 1 bow I tit fro Ai la two Fkrm blew ai, Ad killod two ekildi m. amall.

And one barometer shot dcu A tutor with 1U bail. Now, all aay loot the locusts sang Among the leiflaes trees Three new hotels warped inside oat, The pampe could only wheeze And ripe old wine, that twenty years Had cobweb bed o'er in Vain, Came poaUag through the rotten corks, Lake Jolys beet Champagne. Plump men of morning ordered tight, But, ere the scorching noun, The eandje moalds bad grown as loose As Cossack pantaloons. The dogs ran mad men would not try If water they would choose; A horae fell dead he only left Four red hot nuty shoes I Bnt boob tha people could not bear The slightest hint of fire Allusions to calorie drew A Hood of savage ire. The leaves on heat were all torn oat From every book at school And many blackguard kicked sod caned Because they said, Keep cool The gas light companies were mobbed, Tha bakers all were shot.

The penay press began to talk Of lynching Dr. Nott Ad all about tha warehouse steps Ware angry men in droves, Crashing and spliateriog through the doors. Xo smash the patent etoves The Braxos RlTer Canal. Tha GalTeston News, to give a practical idea of tha raise to the commerce of Texas of the mhflra canal which is now in process of con atnsctioa between Galveston Bay and the Brazoe river to avoid the bar at the month of the lauer, which is often so serious an inconvenience to transportation, presents the following facts Some idea may be formed of the lose incurred "by the Brazoe planters annually from the difficulty and delay in getting their crop to market, forth waat of the canal now beiug constructed, from the two following caves which have been furnished us by the consignee here, whose ac coanta can leave no doubt Uiat the figures are very nearly correct A BrsZ'M sugar planter shipped his last year's crop of 363 hogshead of sugar to bis merchant of tab city, on which the tval amount of charges for freagbus, wharfa*ge, insurance, tc, to this market, wati333 in addition to these charges, the loos from waste and damage during the detention aad delay at the mouth of the river was over twenty five per cent, of the crop, leaving bnt 8f0 hogsaeads in this eity full weight There was also a lose of more than one fourth cent, per Mgadn the 870 hogsheads, io consequence of the delay in its reaching this city alter prices had declined. The loss from this caose is estimated at about $1,000.

These deductions to be take from the amount of sales. Stands thus freight and other charges to Galveston. Los by the waste ninety hogsheads, equal to $4,140. Loss by decline of price during deten tioatUOO, making a total lose on the crop, in eladtof freight and other charges of $7,493. The present eapal, when completed, it is estimated, will reduce the price of freighu, in ur uee, tfct, one half, which would make a saving of $1,176 on this crop.

Tbe loss bv the waste aad damage from detention would be mil saved, and so would the Ions from a decline in Mice. (J 1.000 The aggregate saved bv the canal would, therefore, be $6,316 on the above crop. We have not here included the loss of interest on the value of the crop daring the ore eat long delay, nor have we noticed the maov annoyances and disappointments to which our olanters are now subjected from this delay. We have. also, a statement from a cotton fac tor of this city, as follows He received a con signment of 145 bales of cotton from the Brazos, the expense on which, on account of detention and exposure at the mouth of the river, was $1,300 by the time it reached this market, in eluding wbarlage, repacking, tc the loss in damued cotton was tooO, making a total ol $1350, as the actual cost of retting the above crop to this market, in good order If we now satHW't tha cost of shipping cotton from any part of tho Brazos, by the canal, to this citv at $4 per bale, which is considered a high price, the cost on the above crop would be 0, so leaving the sum of $1,307 as the actual saving by thoeanaL The actual loss, for the want of the canal, was therefore more than twenty fire per cent, on tne vaiue oi uie wnoie crop.

The canal, it is believed, will be completed in February next A portion of the rock upon which the Pill trims landed is still visible. The surface, now exposed, is bnt a few feet in circumference. and level with the ground. In 1774, tha Whigs in order to increase the revolutionary excite ment, attempted to remove the entire rock to tho town square, to erect over it a liberty pole In tho attempt, the rock split, which, tradition ays, greatly surprised the citizens, who con atraed tho circ*mstance into a favorable omen, indicating the final separation of the colonies from tho mother country. Tho top part of the rock being split off, they bitched twenty yoke of oxen to it, and drew it to the square and erected a liberty pole over it, while the lower part was lowered into its ongi nai DM, where it now lies, at the bead ol a long wharf, with store bouses on either side of it.

ua tne present occasion, an area Has been tnrowa across it, decorated with, evergreens, ana wo following inscriptions "This rack has become an object of veneration in the uausa states." "Its Mew Keg Isnder could be willing to hare that rock panes aaa mrgixr en. "A rock he the wilderness welenered our tires, Ina bead tar over the da roilir.g Kt Ob that holy ilui tbey klocled the fins Which giow in oar bosom, Jehovah, lor thee." Tho fact, as to whom belonged the honor of tepoiar upon the rock, has never been derided. It is) alike claimed by the descendants of Mary nil urn ana jonn amen, it seem mat the may Flower anchored about a mile and a half from the tows, as there are extensive flats in front of it, and that the passengers went ashore in tho ships boat: among these was Marv Chil ton; aad tho question now is, whether Marv jumped ashore brat, or whether John preceded her, and gallantly assisted her to land. That portion or the rock removed to the town auare. remained there until the 4th Ju v.

1 34 when, to prevent its being carried awav in small was placed in front of Pilgrim Hall, and eaeto od within an iron railing, upon which is inscribed the names of those who subscribed the compact on board the May Flower while she was at ape ooa Skart Prtctts of Tum. The Vicar burg Sentinel, of the 16th, says: Cel. V. Dodge, of this place, has invented a short and invaluable process of tanning leather By Means of it any planter can, in an inconceiva oiv snort tune, tan bis own gin bandit, gear leataer, etc What is remarkable, it not only tana a hide in a short space pf time, bat gives a body and durability to the leather which no other process does. A sheepskin tanned by this process ia as sol.

and tenacious or difficult to break as back skin tanned by any other process. A oooepakin can be tanned by this process in from eight to ten days, and it has been done in usur or are cava. Irtl The London Tune says: nllT ears Ireland will be Protestant to a man. Both the itnan Caiholirs of Ireland and the race Liati6ed wtth tnat fjith are all leaving irwfana. IS re lone; there will be none left.

At the present rate of emigration, which cannot be lees tha two hundred thousand, chiefly Roman surviDa, our cunuien wm see tbe time when tne veils win oe aosoiute in Ireland as Phradician in Cornwall. Ctckmtyttm. Every man, who has not lived exdoauvely in the eity, has observed that there ia a.vsnlaaey of the town wbich is as deep as vjt) srrswiaaesai at the eonntrv. and a sond more auaoaiag. A diverting illustration of this is ahowa in the anecdote or the Indon co*ckney also, never having been oat of the sound of Bow bells before, who escorted a lady to tbe observatory at Cambridge, to see an eclipse tbat was announce! in me papers to oe nsioie at a certain hour.

The eoekne driving raiber alow. tax lady expressed a (ear that they would be too see tbe oeeultation. never mind," bean, with charming aairete, "If we mm Aa insrtaneM i ssnxed at Hlrtft n. J. 1 5 Aa Oxford atndaot.v uiaujr uiuuuis ag'A TrtnjftCoUerL W.

ui1! makinf a viuit to 1 ifa tK with great admira TOeaof the r.rf the town and neigh nornooo, ooserrea one of ivl "0,5" delighted with prof nave 'Yon Well we scenery in nav taiaad so the professor asawrJhl, A Philadelphia paper sayar Tha citv at MaBohesiter took oat the Ctb, fraa. Phiiadelphia, among Ua lv.7.' ps8agTw, many opera tivesj and mewhajjieiVf the foHowinf cJaaaea Cotton spinners, woo) ssoaaaoaetsvera, ea tiers, hollow ware. DAtier of their retara, aks we aroi tiAwui i i sT aad thai those who harart imiV, LS who hawe left bare to Spuntsr. from Boston Po.U I Bow do yon like the music. Mrs.

PI" asked her neighbor of the old lady as she stood listening to the German band, last evening on the Couiinou, and beating time on the cover of her asp 9 box. Beautiful," replied she. enraptured. oncommon beautiful: it seems almost like mu sic of the syrups. I think the Germania band the sweetest of any of 'em.

Can yon tell me, said she ia a big Whisper, which is Mr. Burga motl The name of Burgamoi was associaiwi with her rappee, and hence her solicitude. She was told that Mr. Bergman belonged to the Germania Society, and that the leader of the Germania KAronadera was Mr. Schnapp.

A smile lit un her face, revealed in the declining twilight, I 1 I. AMmatij.1 to Mr. Aromatic as sne aauea ii no Schnapps, the gentleman that imported so much gin. Her ear was arrested by the strains of the music, and the black bonnet waved in unison with a waltzing measure, as Isaac sat upon the grass in contemplation of a dog's tail before him, wondering what the effect would be if he should stick a pin it A SEASONABLE SOSKF.T. Making love by mooirighf on Boston Common in viaible I feel (ttap all tht warmth tbe uud brings.

Tbe evntlr moon inspires (slap) witb its ravs. My loe lorth (slap) with new arfor springa. And w.tb devotion slap) my bran's abiar. Behold yon star (alsp) gleaming in tbe writ, How roni sctl and truly slap; it Sn 1 slap the ardor (slap) witnin niy breast New (error cams when to thee i turns. Ah.

gent one. 'slap1 brratbe that word again. Ssy oo love me 'slar' and bliss the niutit, Let not your cold islap! ne mcretse my pain. But vour love 'rt nj nn deltgbL i arun' ors, er Curse tlir m.squitovs sl.p bow sharp I are (slap.) The lat hoive storv is told of a colt which l.nvinr been hrnufht from Ohio by steam boat and railroad, became very discontented iu bis pasture in Onondaga, New York, and breaking out, ran to I he railroad depot and made repeated attempts to get into a return freight car. Csaiprirasist The following was perpetrated bv a tender hearted man who otood listening, and shivering as be listened, to the notes of a hand organ beneaui Ms window Enraptured here I'm by the window standing, I istingthe heavenly music in its riume, With erstacy my poi.rh I thrust my hand in.

And take therefrom a jolly me Bal. stop a jment. 'ere liet il went 1 guess I'll compromise and throw a cent" An inqjieinve lawyer, famous for examining witnesses, bad a nice old gentleman, and witty withal, upon the stand, questioning him upon bis ability to loan money and give credit, resorting all sorts of interrogatories to draw from hira a statement of tbe amount of his property and in what it consisted in fact, how much he was worth. The old gentleman considering the ques tions rather impudent, fur he was quite wealiby. answered that be had a wife he always.

called dear a boy and girl that be would not sell for any monev a mortgage ou two cows Down Baal a nice litter of pigs and the mother of tbe same a barrel of cider that never saw daylight, and "a puppy that knows more than vou do, for which 1 have been ottered iweuty five dollars." Wendell Phillips denounced his brother, Fred Douglaao, at an Abolition pic nic at Framing ham, last week, when the gathering be came indignant and broke up in a row. Elections in Arkantai. The Vickfburg Whig, of the lltb, say An election for additional Representative in Congress was had a few das siuce, and we tee that Curran, Whig, bas seventy majority in fu laski, whilst CoL Fowler, Whig, internal im provement candidate, was elected to the Legis lature by a large majority. No other returns have been received. The Late Lhul ut A Washington paper gives the following as reliable particulars of the fatal duel between Messrs.

Legare and Donovant: Mr. Legare was engaged to a voung ladv in Columbia. Her friends inquired of Hunovant what was tbe character and habits of 1 Tbie coming to bis ears, he inquired of what he had answered, and found that he had epuken favorably of him but not salu fied with a verbal statement, be demanded it in writing, wbirh was refused Legare challenged on this refusal. The distance was twelve paces. Legare tired at tne word one and miesed Dunovant fired at the word "two," and killed bis ant agonist.

The survivor was wholly unskilled in the uae of the pistol, Having never belore bad anything to do with a duel. Legare, on the contrary, was notoriously a crack shot havioer. a few days before the affair came oft, in practicing, placed forty eight out of til ty ballH in a card at the word, lie became very nervous on starting lor the ground. and remarkd that he felt a presentiment that he would fall, notwithstanding his skill with the pistol. He wad formerly in the navy as a mid shipman, Irum which he was disuuesed, it is said, for ruuning a sword through a marine.

False Alarm. The National Intelligencer of the 9'h thus contradicts the report of alleged fraud, said to have been discovered within the last lew days On first investigation, we find' tint the storv first appearing, iu the New York Express, raying that tbe Secretary of the Interior's recent visit to ork had reference to alleged fmudsnnd malpractice ot tne head ut some tsovernment bnreau in this city, and his brother, also a Go vernment employe in Washington, wiih refer ence to land warrants, is wholly witnout founda tion. No such pnblic officers are suspected by any branch of the Government here of any such conduct, l. id equally untrue that frauds in tbe purcoase oi goods lor tbe Indian Bureau pur poses nave been discovered or are suspected. Tht Lot Ba lc Argyll Capt.

Young aud the only curvivnre, ten in number, of tbe ill laled Argylo, which foundered on her passage from Bristol to Haebec, arrived at Uuebec on the insL Capt Youii; states that their eutlerinre have been dreadful. They were nine days in one of the ship's boats, drifting about on the ocean, and six of these days were passed with out food or water, during which time seven of I the men in the boat died of exhaualation aud hunger. Of the survivors two are females, one of whom is an old lady, turned of fifty, who, to add to her sunerings, was doomed to see her son, a fine strong young man of twenty three years of ae, die ol huuger by her fide. The other female is a young woman, and Mrange to say, both females were exposed to the same pri vatious that the men were, and yet they lived through them, and saw seven men sink and di unuer mem. i nere were twenty five persons onboard the Argyle, iucluding three passengers.

viz: tbe young woman, the oU lady and her sou. all of whom betoak themselves to two of the ship's boats, one of which has not since been heard of; and it feared that eleven of the twenty five are ad that is left to tell the sad tale. Sfmci fry Lightning. The Courier of tbe llth says The lightning struck in several places in the vicinity of Church Hill last Sunday. Ihe gin bouse of James Archer.

was struck by the electric fluid and burned. His siauus were saved and some of tbe scaffolds. mr. a. prooable loss is Sl.OUU.

DENTISTRY. WJ CLAR. DENTIST, So. 6. Canal, near Charles street, Kew Orleana.

algl 7 6t Dr. Gee. W. rimlth, Ue ntlst. HAS retoraed, and will attend to tbe duties of fesalon a uaoaL Otceaadresidear(cornerofCa Pro Came detrtaad Hevtavtreeta.

nv tf es N.Kbssd. I. It. m. Continues be practice of hi.

I I li I'f uai.a Hi.iimce ani resiitence No. 14 Barcnne street, near Canal All who wish for what la nnnml. kiuku r.a ULllDiai, or vnr to not Intend repay as soon as the operation is completed er Heate! WOXee. rail Wl vlr r. H.

e. haaaa. DENTAL SDRSEONS. 104 CommoB atreet, opposite the New St. Charles Hotel Are giving const sol attention to tbe practice of their profession in all Its i branches, according to the latest Improve Bueuojin toe art.

Teeth extracted without pain under the i mmnwina.wiiwi oeairen. Mil natwaar Charles K. Hella, rtm new gorx. ki o. 1 40 Canal street.

second d'oe from Bonrboa Tmn la the best manner, with all the aUs sU Las. i permitted to refer to persooa now wear ng fall or partial eeu, wbirh for beauty, utility and comfort to tbe J. 11 St. Charles street, near vrr "OUia pwu iij mionn tbe cutsraa 3 of New Orieuaud tbe lcinit tbtvt bt ciHniua operMiona oa toe teetb in wwiiiiirai too atiafaKtoTT mAoner Tke superiority of J. Article! Teeth aoovean outer, nave lor tne last eight years been well kB appreciated by hundreds whs are now enjoyin, kwasAu of them.

Person desirous of having then teeth operated on would do well to call and examine bis for tbe eicht year been well specimen Dental depot for tbe sale of Teeth. Fall. In atraaaents, etc umc aoa residence, ill at. Charles street, nwar ws CO. uai as oyaraw.

Bana KM ll.i. I awwsw C7ww. wis.ii. flsssis avstPWs I AT WHOLESALE. general assortment of the above goods fT) (ved by the latest arrival, coast an tly for 111 at lew otices and oa Uberal terma a fi Particular attenrioa paid plaataiioa order lor akUBOAI BiCUtyAIVB, WOOL, STRAvF AUD MEXICAN HATS aan rsMisrr at 18 aisgarine sa, 1, on, I rri anpsi M.

Jhovlcw Lwltv VVlavea. as, ef IT baaas CbmemS rtl "7 fSI. ChZSL sa aafoaia law VSS'eMLsAnvlsdsvaalaaa. haaaa aT said mmrj soaaa ausat a.LLr aisa ST. I THE POSTQEEISI SCHEDULE OP MAILS AND POSTAGES.

KjjW QBXKANal POST OFFICE. sarlOltsIER lEKARaiUtllT.js' From the 1st June, to the let November, 13. 1 QMm Week o'clock A. M. to o'clock P.

M. I Hnrt. Sondayi and Holidays, im to ciou a GREAT EASTERN HAIL, vis MOBILE Arrives dally at I A. H. Closes dally at lot, A.

Ri. lor ww mmm and at 11 F. H. for srww letter. Supplying the followtng way offices: Bay St Louis and Pm Christian, on Mondays, Wedasadays, Friday! and Saturdays at 10), A Tuesdays and Thursday! at 8 A.

i Faacagoala Wednesdays and Saturday! at 10), A. M. Hereafter, malls far Biloa, Mississippi City and I.vnchbo Sorinss. will close on Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays aad Thursdays at 8 A. M.

Fridays and Sataidays at P. M. Fort Pike, on Tuesday! and Thursdays, at i A. M. BREAT WESTERN MAIL Baton Rouge.

St FraneumUe, Natches, Grand Gulf, Vtcksbnrg, Lake Providence. Worthiogton's Point, Greenville, Grand Lake, Columbia, Napoleon, Lite River, Helena, Mc phis, Randolph. New Madrid, Hickman, Columboa, Ky, Cairo, Padocah.Sbawneetown, Henderson. Evans ville and Louisville fow Uwut a vxek. Closes at P.

M. and supplying Hatchet, Vickaborg. Napoleon, Memphis, Cairo, Padurah, Eranaville and Lnulsville tirirt a smc. Closes at P. M.

Arrives daily bours LOUIS MAIL Supplying Virksburg, Napo leon, MempUla HirkmMi. Cairn and SL Louis Closes dally (Sunday eaceptedj at P.M. Arrive dally hours irregular. VICH.SBCRU AND COAST MAIL By Coutract Supply ing Logan'! Landing, Taylor's, Bonnet Carre, Edgar's, Bdogier'a, Tureaud'a, DonaldanoviLe and iitterijr, Ne Efver, Bayou Ooula, Iberville, Piaquemine, Manchac, Brulv Landing, Baton Rouge, tmttriar, Lobdell's Store Port Hudson, Hermitage, Waterloo, 8t Francuv ville roiate Coupee and interior. Red River Lndiag, Fort Adams, Natches, Waterproof, Rodney, SL Jo seph's.

Grand Gulf, Warrenton and Vicksborg Close tri weekly at 3 P. M. Due trl weekly hy r. M. RED RIVER MAIL Supplying Aleiaudrta.Graod Ecort Katchltoches, Shreverort and A'arfersj Tixai Close three rimes a week, at 3 P.

generally ga Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Arrive three times a wees da ya Irregular. COVINGTON, OR LAKE MAIL Closes on Monday, Wedneaday and Friday, it AM. Arrive on Ta day. Thursday and Saturday, by i P.

M. LAFAYETTE MAIL Closes dally, (except Sunday,) at 1 P. M. Arrive dally, (except Sunday,) at 1 1 A. 41.

CARROLLTON MAIL Closes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 1 P. M. Arrives on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, by 1 P. M. POINTE A LA HACHE AND ENGLISH TORN, Pariah of Plaque mines Cloaca Friday at 1 P.

due day by 11 BALVF.8TON, 8ALDR1A. IND1ANOLA AND PORT LAVACA Closes every Sunday, at 7 A. M. Due every Tuesday or Wednesday, at 4 P. M.

BRAZOS 8ANTIAQO, POINT ISABEL, BROWNS VILLE AND RIO GRANDE Close every Thursday, at 7 A. M. Due every Monday, at M. FLORIDA MAIL Supplying Pensaeola. Apalacbicola, St Marks, Cedar Keys, Tampa and Key West Close on the and 17tb of eacb month at 7 A.

M. Due on the 17th and loth. VERA CBCZ MAIL, via Tawrco Tht following is the schedule Leave New OVlean every month on tbe 1st. Mtb and Arrive at Vera Cru by tbe lib, 17tb and MIl Leave Vera Crux on the 1st, stb and tid. Arrive at New Orleans by the 4ik, 11th aud SAtb.

POSTAGE IN ADVANCE: Ea. Letter. tai newspaper HAVANA MAIL Close, du ctt, on the llth and Both each month, at 7 A. and CWJiiIm, on the vtu and 24th, at H'H A M. Due on or about the 4th, 17th, lb and 3lst POSTAGE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE.

On Letters, 10 cent; on Newspapers, cents. WEST INDIA ISLANDS. PORTS IN THE GOLF OF MEXICO AND ON THE ATLANTIC COAST OK BOOTH AMERICA, aa4 UnutfJIpilut tLiii Steamm Closes oa tbe lltb and 1Mb, at 7 A. M. Due about tbe tb and 1 th and rw Savannah, closes ou tbebur of each month at 10), A.

M. Dut stMot the Sith. POSTAGE PAI ABLE IN AD VANCE, as follows fit uisk reunion. When the distance from the U. a.

maillogHairoa.News ofhee is I iner. i paper t.Vsj miles or under in. Over oo mile sue sc. net tfrtxuH rftlumS. When the distinct (roan the U.

mailing nmce is: loo mile or Orvrsxl miles 44c hen receiveil in the United states, and the distance to the othes of delivery is i J.500 milts or un.ier 11c tr. Over miles oc Sc. NEW GRENADA, WEST COAST OF SOUTH AMEBJ CA, CALIFORNIA AND OREGON, SANDWICH ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA. VAN DIEMAN'S LA.ND MEW SOUTH WALES AND CHINA Closes on tbe Ktb and list of each month, at 7 P. M.

Arrives on or about the loth and UT The postage to places on the West Coast of South America, Panama, is as follows cecU on Uttert tent. cnti on Uitcrt I'via 1 2H cents on ttttn i nr. I 'i cents on tetteri rmt. rents on Utter received, On newspaper.

SuT Tbe postage to Aspinwall and Psnams direct is 10 cents iinfle rule and cent each newspaper, and to ti Sand w.rb Lsjands, Australia, Van Dieman' Lar.d and China (rut San Franeiitt) is on each single letter 6 cent, payr able In advance. CsT The siugle letter rate to California and Oregon la 5 cents prepaid, or lu cents unpaid. On newspapers, Ac tbe VsiHfic rate apply. eiCUuDILK OF POSTAfJKM. The following arc the Rat of T'lstago since the 1st ol July, LETTER POSTAGE, by half ounce or under, between piece wiiLin the United StMes: rrrpsi i.

Unpaid. miles or tr. Over ijrM lc Drop Letters I al ol twuceut Advertised Letter as fotoieTiy. When DeliveieJ br the V. S.

it ro Fach letter received by mail ic additional Each drop letter I do. Er ch city letter lr. Cai circular or handbill Ic. do. Eacb newsneneror msruisr kc.

do. Jen. isu w. u. riwtmasier.

Dr. H. Gilbert, (Late las Pordraa street. New Orleana) TTAS removed to Memphis. Teuneaaee, settled iieiunv Li.

Leniiy. and reopened hi extensive lubrmvv fur the recrptluo and treatuieut sf patient, who can remain cs of tr.e year. D'. Oiinert treats Chronic Diseases of every grade especially Cancers, Ulcer and Tumors, without tbe knife He treats Chronic rrmale Diseases wub arret soccess. Vempiils.Tenn.Jolv 15.

I km Jr Iritl TeriDessee Masrsir Hettlea. IRON WORKS, former Iv Stewart A Dicrl In crti sequence oi tne great aovance vo tne price oi ir jo and labor, the price of tbe Kettle, grate bar and for oece mouth from the above named work, will, from and aner tne sntn oe as rouows 3o Incb and under at 75 cents aa loco. From 43 to so, inclusive, at SI an inch. From 71 to M. Inclusive, at SI uis an incb.

Fire Mouths 14 Inch snd 17 Inch at Swv do. ti Inch at IU Urate Bars 3c per pound. A complete assortment of these article alwav on head ana lor saieer toe aoove mentioned rates, by E. r. LA VILLEBEDVRE, sole agent.

srM se lyd AW Sf. Charles street op stair Fletrber Weetrnv. COMMISSION SI F.RCHANT, ia Pearlstreet, lienor Square, New fork. Reference Wm. 8.

Wetmore.Eo.. Meur. Wetmore Grydcr. Qrinnell, Mlnturn A Howlacd A Aspinwall, Moses 'lav lor, U. a A.

KiniJlsnd W. W. Forest A Cu New fork; Daniel P. Parker. Oardnet Colby.

Bostoni Edwerd Carrineton. ssn Pravt denre; Wm. R. Lejee, Philadelphia Wm. Wilson A Son Baltimore: Lomsoen.

n.eniiaii a rtew orleana If nets, Hhoea and Hats. Always on band and constantly receiv ing large ard sesans'jle suppliei in tbegnjb kaooveliue. suitable for city and couutrv trade, for sale low on liberal terms by HU0O8 St ln 4IIW 11 sen 14 CuMomlionar at. Another Admonition TO those who nightly run the risk cf losing Books and papeTs, worth from one thousand to a hundrel thou ana noils for tbe tube of saving the expense of a Safe. If Meases.

Kendall. Toe A Co. had nractlred THAT kind oi economy, tney would have lost, last Saturday night. UWI HMU IIIHI 1 Wn 1er I fti. Mm in thl markrt in a whole year.

Thtv were too wise to conhde in a "K.nob, "Asbestos." Magnesia." or other kind Of CbtS. lncanable ntainlm nr tbeyeould not nave furniahed tbe following statement 'The two stare occupied by us, situated oo tbe corner of icooupiiouias ana uravier streets, together with oar entire nope, tc, were consumed by o'e on oaiBiuay mui, io inst our oka and papers passed tbrooch tbe ordeal uninjured, bring in one of Rirb's Sa'es, wblcb was purchased in November. 1 from Mr Isaac Bridge, and had bren constantly used by 'oar prede ressorsan'f ourselves tbrough a period of SEVEN AND THREE QUARTER TEARS As it fell from tbe second or, ana loogea in tne mi ist of a large quantity of bacon bans. nd to several cask, of ro'rit, and on. it mnM have encountered intense beat during several hoar: yet It lived for us an Incalculable amount.

In view ct tbese facta, we cannot doubt that the purchase of Rich's Safe ia tbe best ana man indispensable outlay that can be made by one uifigsu tu iMisiuraa. iter nrn f. vrrtv a rei uuu. V. CHAS DE REION1E.

New Oileari. ih August liX The subscriber, sole agent here of the manufacturers, ana int. ujh HULIUK in THIS C1TI OF SALA MANOER SAfES. hsa rmutuillv inr ul, a ml mm mentof Rich A Ca'l Imnenved Pitenl SiImiuiiiW uim with and witboit Tales' Patent Powder Proof Locks. Many other certiticates elicited by repeated fires, In several staves, van oe kco on application to amu dAWtf ISAAC (1 Magaslne t.

TO those nenon wbo have porcbased land In the rear of the citv of New Orleana, from Tne Heirs of Joseph Chasm, Madame de New Orleana Canal ana Banking Comrany. based iirou a Judgment rendered by the Parish Court of new wrieana, mn January, 1846, la re. Pssstsiba et sis. ss. Copeiaod et sis.

Tbe subscriber respectfully inform theaa that If applied to be far. the 1st November neat, wiU con Ana their ti tl oa res ausbls liisss "fj rjwed to show to partiea raterestad, by act and plan, tbat the load la question awsav bewsiaad to Josaoh Chaloa bat to Joaeph Cbaioa and Marl. lilZS il, TuT iV I bis at hU death la 1TS0. ral Uis buss, and at her aecaaasta atasa whosa the ssuweriher derive prtctor wigsat, WDV, mUf, UtrmaD IM inu. sanMMaayadi saWkLa) SksVA.

I ta 114 left Mts 1 a ss ataa. JHOv. ItlnwislTil jyw tSArtlt wv MaWakPteca. iClFgWi' Has. land sia star aad avsats a sa.

suskriii sa Ia msli Total Vis: Let The the of and or of of C. H. (1 r)vWmAs1vHl)i Crescent AXataal Insarmncw Cistssay. I sonJarmlty wlsBtharsqelsUUa ol charter, the osmpsajtabmltths fallowing stitei tat, vUi imwnt iT mmmImhi mmImI for ihm VSar ending Julv 18. I8U SsM JOT Amount of ontf rmisatyd risks July 18, 108.108 is inn.iHt MMilna, Snr wear ending JalV inn, i6 nt vs Premiums on Firs Risks.

443 1 9 Marine do 818.767 S3 River do JSrt.OSo 00 Life do K.n63 SM8.913 73 premiums on risks not termi nated 915 13 Return 167.113 2n Amount of earned nremiums for year ending as above nm.v so Losses paid during saose period, vil Uu ire kicks oj Marine do 183.SM Biver do HT.nnT Life do. policleFarc'd. 484. 91 Sclnsoraiice, expenses. Ac, less intcrtsi.nscount, 4.8eA 1 4.UI UT Ss 4.it79 3U Company have the following invested in Band ana inonisee ou dtodtuv wortli doable tbe amount loaoea uereon.sso7.xov it Bills receivsble.

beins notes forpremianis 303.8 Stf Invested in real estate, astimated cash value. 7.uoi 00 Iue for premiums iu course of v3.rA 77 Cash on baud iuj.436 18 S7ll.lV II Stale ol Louisiana, Parish of Orleans, City of New Orleans. Be remembered, that on the suth July, 1863, before me, undersigned, Justice of tbe Peace in and lor the city aforesaid, personally appeared Chas. Mansool, Secretary the Crescent Mutual Insurance Csmpany of New or leaoa, who, being duly sworn, according to 'aw, docs depose a ty that the above account Is just and true and a cor rect transcript from the books of the said Company. C.

J. MAN80N1, Sec y. Sworn to and signed before me, this 30th day of July, 1863. R. RICHARDSON, Tblri Justice of the Peace.

Faiiab of Orleans. The Board of Trustees nave resolved to pay an Inter eatofSia PerCent in cash on the Certificates of Fro ta for the year Is. 161 and 186, to the holder there if. their legal representatives, on and after tne eigutn aay Aacust. oroxlmo.

The Trustee have also declared a dividend 01 Thirty Five Per Cnl ou the Net Earned Freml sens of tne Company for the year ending the twelfth day July, lsi, fur which certificates will be issued on and after the second Mouday 111 September neat. THOMAS A ADAalS, I resident. MOSES GREENWOOD. Vice President J. MAN80N1, Secretary.

iew Ot learn, July 31, Jyil tl ly Tri ttees Wm. P. Converse, Bani'l Bell, Ueorse Jouas, J. Rlfliard, P. Simms, C.T Ruddecks.

II Pavne. M. Wright, llavid Hadden. A. Barelll.

M. Norton, Louis DeSaulles, Puis Puig, Meeker, J. W. Stanton, John D. Bien, Zacbane, W.

Hill. Wm rellowcs. Sumner, Fk. Csnerdeo. S.

Hawkins, O. Blouse, Vredenburgb W.Carroll 8. H. Kennedy, Magtn Puig, Taylor, Wm. VogeL T.C Taille, W.

O. Rbieson Michel Heine, Utile llama mutual Insurance Camnany I new Orleans. a. The following state mr at of afp VXtMa the aSelr of this Company I xJTV a. JST Dubllahed In conformity with the rrqalrementsof their char ter Amoant of premiums ou policies Issued for tbe year ending JistDtcember.

18M, vU: Porf'tre premiums I1M.9U4I For River premiums IW.rfl For si. 147 S3 Total 4J3.UO4S0I Lee ret am preuiiom I.M f4 Less premiums on risk not tennina I. (reserve J) 0.1 tt Earned premiums for tbe year I VO. I BJ 338.148 47 I Paid drrlng the lame period for losses, vll For Fire losses S12.AA0 IT For River losses su.iai 7S For Marine losses. tr.rWM 10 1U.S46 OS Amount re luiaranrri and ex Ac.

0.00(1 4 171 47 NctearuedproatsfnrthtyearendlngDec. ori Tbe Company have the following assets, vll: Bill Receivable, being subscription cote SttT.MO 1 1 BUI Receivable, at short time, for premium! earned A.038 68 Dae for premiums, in coarse of S.S74 S4 Cash on t00.43 37 Total amoant of aa JT) 40 STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of Orleana, City of New Orleana. Br Itrememhered.tbaton the January, 183, before rue, tbe ius. ribrr, a Justice of the Peace In and for I je aforeial personally apTearrd Alexander Brother Fieldcnt at. Jsme Wbeeler, Secretary, of the Hotr otual Insurance Company uf New Orleana, who being oly sworn, according to law, do depose and say, tbat tbe chore accounts are Just and true aud a correct transcript irom toe oooai oi tne ss a company.

A. BROTHER, President, JAMES H. HEELER, Secretary. worn to and subscribed before mc thl, tht 15th day of January, ism. C.

V. JONTE. Second Justice of the Pease of the Pariah of Orleans. aT The Board of Trusters have declared a dlvVeai et Forty Nine percent on the earned premium of tbe Company for the year ending the list December, loot, lot wb.cuscnj.ccrtiai.ates will be issued on aud after tbe 1 of March, next. Tb: Comrany continues to Insure against the peril! the Seas, Ri rers, and loss or damage fy the current rate, of premium.

Ofhce No. 4j Camp street. ALEXANDER BliOTHER, PresHenl. JOHN SHAW. Vice President.

JAMES H. WHEELER. Secre'arv. Nrw Orleans, January 15, ID. 3.

Jal5 Iff e7 The folluwiue names compose the Bor 1 of TruS 'i ot tbe Uom Mutual Insurance Company of New Orleans, br John Shaw, L. Ivy, W. L. Lanier, John Thomas, A.H.May, Toft. John J.

Green, John IL Owes, S. Dt Visser, a i.i,. i ti uvu. u.u noil, I m. P.

Ho risou, F.ufua Mrllhenny, Wllbelmus Bogart, sosepu ncy, jonn cocas, j. Li. jurey. jonn A ieocauertv. Jobn hVo ienber.

A O. Nelson, Isaac H. Snuffer, Wm. FL Leubford, rraninn otisw, do b. lay lor, Couverae, C.

Tompkins, John C. eoodrtch, J. Eager. 8. Roeers.

Feed Rlrcbho. Eiral laiiraaee CAPITAL. WO MLLLJOI JHI, 111 nwi.ri MM OF A0 EACH. Trustee JOHN SHAW LEIGH, Esq and R. H.

BLDNDELL, Esq. Dlrertdra. Ac, in Liverpool roiot ra ennMrD ai 1. JOHN CAMPBELL. and J.

RAM LET M008B. uexraty cnairmea. Michael Boasflel i ih, taq. Richard Houghton, Esq; Tbomas Booch. Eaa exiward jonnston, Esq.

Roger Lyon Jones, Esq. Jsme Lswrence, Esq. Francis Maxwell George Maxwell, Esq. Robert Mr Andrew, Esq. Edmund Molyueux, Esq.

William Smith, Esq. Jobn Torr, Esq. itaipn Drocxienanx, sq. David Cannon, Esq. illiam Claxton, Esq.

Thomas Dover. Esq. sUcnard Harbord, Esq. Robert Ellison Harvev. Esq.

Thomas Dyson Hornby eteorge slorstaii, uq. Aetuarv Pertv nl. iJovr.Eea. Available Capital TEN I MILLION DOLLARS Paid up Capital SEVENTEEN HUNDRED AND F1FTI TU0U8AND DOLLARS. The subscriber bavins been appointed Aent far the aoove weaiioy ana niguiy reapectaoie tiiverpooi insa rance Otnce, Is now prepaied to accept Risks, and issue roliclefor Ireurance asainst loss or damaxe from Fire in toe city oi new Orleans, ana on tne most liberal terms.

Tbe very large capital added to tbe individual liability of every stockholder to the entire extent of bis property is a periecr guarantee tome insured oi oi saiciy inti of loss. The usual abatement made tn place this company! policies oa a par with the mutual offices and all settle meat for losses will be Shade here, both prompt and liberal Jinu giAvLE, Agent, 7 Bt. cnaruesstreet aiy lsmsapim Insurance. STABILITY. SECURfTT.

PERPETUITT. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANT OF new loan. Vet accumulated Cash Fund near 4,000,000, Securely invested in Bonds and Mortgages. All tbe profit are divided amongst the aasured. JOSEPH B.

COLLINS. President. rp HE undersigned baa been appointed agent of the above a. tnsTUBiiou. sis areat eecumv oner sneienoe ad vaa.

tages to persons aeair ing insurance on tneir Uvea. at Crescent Matoal Insurance Company. CHAHLEI ssccoitwica fbvslfian. Jen as ly Auverpwol slb lioadoa Iflre lasVratacs7 COMPANY. CAPITAL, Ten Million of Dollars.

Reserved Fond, One Million Tbre Hundred Tbaoaand Dollara. orith anllmlted personal liability of tb stockholder for ail obti ganon oi tna company. crlAA HhUUUS. Agent, jail sa iv corner ot at. Charles and Union sta.

Lmanerreiotype saloons, U3 Cams street msa nincent naioon were opened lit Itovem m. or, mm iuc receprion Ol visiuira. The, mn rSSi.TfS extensive collection of Daguerreotype Portraits raintmgs dv tne rnosr ceieoraxea Artist, choi tint Drawing, Engravlrrs, Statuary Gems received from Pans and London. Every atteartlon will be bestowed by the Proprietor to give tatlxafcction, not only to his patrons, bnt to citizen and atrangers, who are invited to vtatt thai splendid Gallery of Fine Art. By tbe superior arrangement of the Light In the Operating Room, constructed at great expense, with an immense Sky Light, the Daguerreotype Portraits are taken In a fw seconds In any weather, wtth ths prop tsprletorto to citixens did Gallery the Light tpense, with ortraitaar beLikeesi lent ha exbellenee, rsssaou oi utgut ana ansae, mas rendering tb For the hirfa character which thl.

aaKildia.a. HIU n.i.iM. loyca ror Bsany years, ana lor the sa perl or aeauty ana brilliancy oi tae rortiait. atrmnr. ara erred lot ne propnetoe si im gt.

Louis, Verandah aad viy zuaciss sw viu sw to war asoai respectable ctttaena. orrraiui seas so aay pan af the Called I ceuioraaa, sraa oi narxa. Bar at tnia Bssaarai lis i. Au aroars thasnUBlry Tstrinl aad dllest avHa do MMJrtmmTaJtr' seal sbbsbtIbL Vorsaaf bb caa ha bsti hsaai a aaa asfca. aaa, "7'W'waif1 hsms, axxea F.

Aaochlesnoaa, 1 VVoessJe sxad iwbail Wssm I of tlBBsd aa 1 be at SON A age wen ins new usual A will A 1 are 11 Tbe a No. CO It lA aw. artu ha associated with as In the I atactic of tls law. anean. )P ARTK RS HIP Tb underaifsed kj 4j lorsosd a BartnsnhiB wtta Mr.

ROBT. D. BAILIE FF this city. am commisaioTi aoa sorwwaina uwuw aadct tns Aral of BDNNAXL BAJLIBfF W. H.

sunissus. NewOrkans.Aagnstl.U63i sal lis CtOPARTNERSHIP Mr. THOMAS FEARN PaTTOS la thi da admitted aa nHD in onr house. The buaiaea will be conducted andcr tbe same nam and style heretofore. WILLS a KAWbiriB.

New Orleans. August 1. 1863. am lm XTOT1CB OK COPARTNERSHIP 1 have taken air William Batlinrat into DartnersbiD. The boaloeea will conducted nnder tbe nrm of WILLIAMS, BATHURST CO.

JOHN WILLIAMS. New Orleans, July IS. hki. jym sm COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE Mr. A.

TF.NN1 be comes a partner In our bouse from and after this date. C1OPARTNER8HIP Mr. P. SCOTr is associated with ns In bnsines from this date. The business will hereafter be rnudncted under tht ryle of SMITH.

JOHN A 8C0TT. SMITH A JOHNSON. New Orleans. July 10, 1863. jyii im "tOPARTN ERSH1P The subscriber bava this dav a soc'ated tbemseives unaer tne sxyie sua arm 01 a for tbe Durrnue of csuductins Facto and usnerai (Commission ousinesi in toe cny 01 Orleana Strict personal attention given to the sale 01 cotton as as every arscripiion 01 veesieiu sua iimiuroi duct.

Also to purcnasing a weu aa receiving aoa rorwurn all aoos boucht bv or consif tied to tbem WHO prompt and dcipatth Supplies furnlrli pian'ers 00 the terms. Ofnce (temporary) at Ma. 6 Bans rioce. J. A.

5. t.Jl)UIUM New Orieaiis, July 1. Ib63 Jyll tf 'HE busiues heretofore coudocted by tbe underaisntd In this eilv under the stvie of ii. lltert at to be contluued under the style and brm of UOGERT, WILLIAMS a CO. U.

BUUr HI. r. W. VMlUilASlB. New Orleans.

July (..1863. JyT riioc firm of 8WINET. GREEN A CO. having been dissolved by tte death of r. Bwtcey, tne under signed will continue the business for their own account under tae same styie.

vj ivr.c. 1 tJ. ri. B. CRCMP.

New Orleans, July 1161. Jy ImdAstW TOT ICE The hrui of Thornhlli Mcllhenoy ex plies lliiiday by limitation, and is nereoy aissoiee.i. jutir irJUBnnuiij, MxlLBENNV. New Orleans. May 31, lh63.

Jcl 3md A3mW COPARTNERSHIP IUMUSU KltMABumn, 01 Resn.1nn.Misa. and G. H. CHAPLA IN of this city. associated witb as in business, the copartnership daring from the 1st lust.

inuanniLb ss iu. New Orleans. June 1HM. jw iauswiw JOTlCE The copartnership heretofore eaisting in this city under tbe nrm of inornnin smcunenny rjaiins nleed bv limitation 3iat nit the same baa been dissolved. undersigned informs bis friend that be w.ll continue Cotton Factorage aci uenerai commission Dumra a Caioudtlet lUeet, under the style of Tborul.lll A Co JU.

New Jnue 1, lo63. Jel 3mdA6mW 'HE onderslgued has this dcy withdrawn from tbe nrm A ot lUHil, ss III. May 1HAJ. A. M.

HOPKINS. no PARTftrRSHIP The nudenlsiied have tbli day KJ fijrmetl a partnership, for the purpose of conducting a Cotton liruiruc and uenerai muiiim id this citv. under tbe atvle and nrm of POWELL A HOP 0 linn: I my in Km. Je ism A. at.

nurriina OTICH The uoarlnerabl bereUilore existing bet a el IN the under gued under the tirm of OF.O FOSTER A In this rltv and HARROD. DARLING A CO. in wton.exoired bv limitation oo tbe 16th May last. All business prior to that date will be settled by partner In. villi aDDCtk FRANCIS DARLING, FORGE FOSTER.

ryt ondersis ued will continue the nroi of GEO. t0S TER A for the transaction of a Commission and Forwarding Business iu ibis city r.J vo r.n. ULNRV LORINO GREEN LEAF. rrtHE arm of HARROD. DARLING A CO W'li be con tinned iu Boston by Joseph Barrodaud Darling.

Hew Orleans, July leU. Jyl stawim I HEeanartnershin heretofore exist Ins between the sub. 1 errlbera under tbe tinn'of J. MACMCRDO A is this dsy dissolved by it limitation it. mscnuuug, Juue JO, WM.

Bf.LL. en HE subscriber will close tLe uusettled business of J. i Maemurd'i A i and will continue lo IriOIK I tn hanee and Baiikin tmlnrsa unitr tbe firm I fictt LTT. S1ACM0RDO A haviug associated with him a a Dl. I Mm, Pirb.M P.

Ii i nUI I. thl. rltv J. BtACMUitllU. Jaly I.

M. Lou la I uivcraliy, M. LOBis. nnt arhaUstie vear commences tbe nrst week ol Sep 1 iraMr. Rev.

Mr. Kemlon will are New Orleaus about SMti Aurust and will take charee of studenta For further information apply to THUS. LLULK ID, aau Trhour toulia st. 'lost Vmuiible Truct ol Lauu ON BAVOO MANCHAC, lutbe Pariib of Ascension, being sections 16, 16. 17 and in townsnl h.

Ranee east, maainrlug 44 arpects froct on tbe risbt hank of the ayou. anil containing lyim surernciai arpeura ilc land Wof a superior oualltr. above any overflow that has yet oc curred, and is rcmarisbly weif wooded Tbe new river road to Baton Roage rasaes through the lower part of this tract two roads, one from the front to the rear, and the otLer from line lo line intersect ntarthe centre of the laud, and the lr ei on about 4U arpent art und he centre have been deadened preparatory to clearing. 1 be titles ae Indisputable. For plan, surveys and lurther particular ap ran 10SC ply to ausiai aitnsKueun, je II St.

Charles street. It. it. K. No.

1. INTER fl NAL AND EXTERNAL PAINS RADW AYA READY RELIEF will instantly stop quiikly ft move the rue. R. R. D.i.rri.ira.

Cholera Morhus Rsdasv's Ki lie' will i lit i tht ui.l pamiiil suJ stop tLe most distressing pain, in tnmu'ts It allaysUie most paluful irritations By bathing the head, i.eck. or face. It refreshens the sense, aud Imparts renewed life, strength and ngor to the weak and weary The very moment R. It i taken or pplied it magic use cnects are experienced. instantiv allavs the most painful peroxysms of Near elg'a, Rheumatism, Cramps, Bpanis.

Toothache, Sorrnes, the bonis cr Joints. Pain and Weakness In the Side, Lumnagt, Oout ud Paralysis Taken internally, it cleanse tbe stomach from acid, cures heart bum, aud irararts sweet fragraure to tbe breath. Persons troubled witb bick Head ache will receive instant relief im be use of R. R. No.

2 RADWAY 8 RENOVATING RESOLVENT Makra the Blood Pure, Rich and Healths Rroovatee, Cleanses and Enriches the Bleod, m1 tesolvesaway from Uie Joiuts, muscles, bone, and rones an diseased aud rol ocoss Deposits, curea Ulcers. Fever Sores. Bsd Hurcors. sr roruis. nu sets, su vitas unre, rypuini.c cnipiaiuts.

Node. bite Swellings. Tumors, t'sncers. Bror List Swt II lings, nunds Sal' Rheum. Mercurial Cf in plaints It art quick and powerfully in a few hours after taking thr Re solvent, the wesk, emaciated, and disease tatrn rs'i'M feels a glow ot health and strength tb'll ng tbiough tht system.

1 rue ol It. Krsoivi nt SI per bottle it it. rn RADWAY '8 REGULATORS Do not gripe, oaiu. weaken, or sicken the i itut. Small iecs regulate, is ge 'rgr.

rrr Repu'ator will iruttv tvstuete tbe bowels aud re.nlarr evety orsan intbc sts'eru. They act uron liver, the etomaiu, dneya, nd birtder. 1 hey cure eostivr nets, liver ccmptatot. dys ptpile. ki.inry complaints, blllnusniss.

'ever of all una No di rate or paiu ran afflict the rystrm while ru i' tb lunueuie tIK K.H. KrmMln Price of Relief, is cents, cr nts. end II. Reeolveut, si. Rernlatora.

as cents per box. Othre, Fulton street. New York. Sold by JOHN WRldHT A Jrt tmdA 'l ChartresH Alairblelzrel Iron jlantlrt, (L'olumns( PEDESTALS. TABLE TOPS, Ac rfIHE SALAMANDER MARBLE COMPANT invite nubile aututlon to their Marbleixcd Don aa one of the greatest discoveries of tbe age.

ard for wbich they received tne ooid medal at tne last rsir oi tne American lusiitnte and the Mtdal at tbe Fair of tbe Metropolitan Mechanic Institute, held at Washington In February and March rs this vear. This material, bavins a metallic basis. 1 more durabK and cheaper than Marble; It representations of precious Stones and tne cnoicest Biaraie in more tnsc sixty diner ent varieties, are exact and surpassingly beautiful: it 1 capable of relisting a greater degree of heat, and it cannot be injured by tbe action ol acius or on. B1L.AS C. rir.tmmci.

The manufacturing department of this Com panv is under tbe superintendence of F. A J. P. Williams, the inven tor cf the system, and the financial and general rusiness department tbat of JOHN RUlTOXtowhom allommu nicatlons mav be addressed, at the Principal Wareroom. bij nroaoway, new i ora nsyii Jin ea FOR SALE A hne Family Residence in tbe If" 4 Fourth District of New Orleans, formerly Lafavrtte.

I situated on tbe coiner of ourth and LsuilI streets. measure 43 feet front en Fourth, by 110 feet in depth and front ou Laurel street. Tbe improvement consist of a one storv Cottaxe House. wub galiery in front and rest containing four r.xitns, one cabinet and pantry oo tbe lower floor, aud two large rooms ana two attics on me upper ikjot, all plastered and papered. A two story kitchen, 2 and 14 feet, three cisterns contain ing about euuo gallons of water, one bath bouse, carriage boose, and stables for one borne and one cow, and poultry hoose.

Tbe yard is aM laid sritb German flag. Tbe whole ground la well blled up aod tbe whale premises are enclosed in the most substantial snanner. being all cedar post. The garden is well rocked with fruit aad ornamental trees and shrubbery, and flowers of all kin4a For terms. Ac, apply to jusn nv JylH lm or P.

H. DE Auctioneer. FOR SALE Tbe fast sailing slip SEA LION. UHl .11.1 I II found in sails and' rigging, and ran be fitted for sea at smsll sense, ror terms apply to sol f. P.

WH1TNET A 61 Camp t. FORTT DOLLARS Will be paid for IL ee rest of the negro MOSES, wbo ran away from the plantation of the under! gned. He la about 5 feet inches high, to year old, stoat, bis complexion la not very dark; wore a black sailor's Jacket wbea a vnrtrrsn is gmi Hlnvrs for Hole. Tb CT NEG1 49 lngtb MBSsWlsbil Tbe undersigned has now on hand a lot of young ibusubo, irom Boutn Carolina, consisting most rieia nana, eon will continue tn De receiv tbe same during the summer sod fall. Planter isuiog to purchase can nave tbeir orders filled upon advan aaeous terms without cemins to the rltv.

suuuia luey preier to ao so. jyju m' oss ac a a Pbiupoa HUNDRED DOLLAR8 RE ARD Ran VI sway from from tbe subecribert on Sundav last. the hlk HARRISON, aged about 46 year, height about incuea, oy trade a carriage painter. When spoken to answers harried I and with an imnHi Ucrft jif Jcl" 1 2.1 rv y. meut in hi epeecb.

It la presumed that be has for red a probably In the name of Matthews A Den man or In ear name. The above reward will be paid lor his arrest aad uouc or tnt aamg given to oa J. E. MATTHEWS A eft tf corner Caraadelet and Grav icr sta TEN DOLLARS REWARD The undersigned will pay tbe above reward to any one who will ueuverio mm. or to r.

caienave. esq. no. Canal atreet, the black girl MARIE, aboat 3 voara of see rather sood leokiBg. Medium beigbih, stoat aallt, good let of teeth.

She took with bet when she disappeared on the 14th InsL, her child, ma sail) gill, about is or 14 ment ha eld j. n. uauuEl. Jeaersoa ransn. Jyl ri4j kaak i tha MtMlappt.

TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD WiU ha sold Aw ths siaaeheasuoaaf lbs usual, or docs, wars maaBrna, agea I koat Bt yeara, fcot a tsKhea high, thick est, sigh aboat 10 gsaais. has SUBtaaaa. thick Hps, saA ii Ii stow. Back ah sswanr mm, anwsiaatB hi the esZ7wawthw wwaaaasBaktswadsasstv isadasy Saapkawea ia aaauiaf shoaji rw. 4HBBWB auBSt Oasliajsasorto 4lnWinIhinWI7N, dsya San tri at I TO TRAVELERS.

Cllatsm stB Part BasUasi KaUlrwatsl TUt cm will leave Clinton every klasvday, Wadoaa day. Thursday and Saturday, at 71, s'ciack A. BstitrnlVg will leavs Port Hadaoa at 3 'clack; P. earn si. aiuAXA.ia.

svgvob ttntsw. ions 17th, tsas. Jess 03 1 RED RlVCk AND TEXAS StaUesi Diavii Btae A.ine. Tne underslfoed Having Become pro prie tors of to above line from Grand LEeoreon Red River to Naoogdncbea, Texas, connecting with tne western uaea 10 uracaett. Cincinnati, nunisviiic, nim, Antonfo, gnarantee to the traveling paollc that they Mnerf their nart of tha route.

I mav coaches, witb certainty, safety I JeiMtch RICH. PARMALEE A CO. I weei Grand Ecove, ta, jnne 185X Jes am PaatohturtraUsi Itaviirwasi CsrarsionTlckevi toanrt from toe Lke. same day certs. Summer Arrangement for tne aepancee THE CAM WILL tbe Lake: t.

ratv A 5 aclock A 7 8), M. At At At AI AI At AI AI AI A At At At 6 o'clock A. bit 8 9 in 11 It A At At At At At Bl Hks 1 i 7i M. At P.M. P.

AI At At At At At At 9 r1fv 1 wet hoar. Omnihnata leave the earner of Canal. Chart res and 16 minute for the Depot. sr A Horse car win leave ui mo very mwimi 4 o'clock, aad tbe Lake end every evening ax vx, cioca Jeao 63 ly J. ami 1.

n. mneisi BBptnnwiut far A tssLiswsssLsi and OselSBsas. MWb I WT 1. mail li0. Xrrt Tiiroofh to FrankllD tn 18 boor.

United M. every rss sparea sarre da tae hu main 111 es ini lew seas and lu THE new 0. 8. Mtir (rnm DonaJdsonVllle. term! 1 Pariah nlHt.

LAndrV. IB now complete by stage coaches to Lake Verret, 8 miles i ST ska sasspssst I i.i. v.i.nneUi Cmtravllle. Franklin. Char iu.

tn Irons. IV miles bekwSt. Mar tlosvile,) distance vo mile; and by tage coaches from tew Ibena to Washington, distance mUe. rassengers from new urienns leave in iur Mnndavs. Wednesday, and 4 i Miii nnnaldaonville ou Tuesdays.

Thursday and In time for the tge at 8 o'clock A. m. For comfort, ipeed. and safety, passengers will flndtbl route superior to all other, as no freight is taktn, and trie I delays and ImpedimenU of tbe old routes are entire avoided. Jaisw ly x' si ni'ww' for Luke Borgnc and illeiiran lulf.

MP.YtriN DI.F RAILWAY. Depot rnrnr uvi hilHr.n street and Chamus Kl TSees 'no 1 0 rilOCTOR VILLE, Lake Borgne Uit ance miiea. 1 Fare throoeb to cents; Children ana slaves i price Leave the cny at I i eave me kssc ai 10 o'clock A. M. aud fi o'clock A.

M. and tt IK nVl.w P. M. mtw CkHire No. Common street Fur all business of the Railroad Deoartment.

or anv other business connected with the estate cf the late Alex, troroon, arpiy to Jyr i Kt ly W. G. Crest Mall Rente from Charles ton. Throaab Fare from Charleston to Baltimore Sir SO, to .11. i man cni llff ip IV, BUM v.

EAVIItetbe wharf at tha foot of Laurens street daw; at P. M. via WUmlngloa at A. tL and P. M.j(ea daily trains are despatched rent nn RnnrfAV when bnt One train i 8l o'clock only connecting at Weldon, N.

with the Sea hoard an.l Roanoke Railroad to Rorfclk.tbenre hy (team era to Baltimore, and both trains connecting at Weldr.n witb the Uses to Petersburg. Richmond, Waahlngton, Baltimore Ftuadeipbiaanri new it'i. Theoehllr is reeoectfallv informed that tb steamer hear line are In first rate condition, and are navigated irr well known and experienced commanders, tbe Rail road are In floe (the Wilmington and Weldon, as well at tbe Sen Soar! and Roanoke having recently been re arm. hevv rall therebv aecartcia both safetv and despatch. BTtheaematespaseengeTaevaiiinstbemseiTesoftbe FIRM TRAIN may reach Belrimorein 40 boora, Philadelphia In and NewVcrk laN boura; and bv the SECOND TRAIN they arrive In Baltimore tn 60 hoars, Pkliadelpth) In hours, aca few io'i in i nmr.

Tbmush ticket can alone be bad from WIWSLO a sen rf the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company at tbe office of the Cimpany. lootofLaortns street, Cbarles ton. s. to wnoni pieasearpty mysiv.1 iy Adams dc Eisreu, a DAMS A CO. dranatch Frefaht.

Specie. Jewelry. Vale I abie PacKagr. Parrels, Ac, for all the Northern sad taatesn Cities, and California, bv A st a j7 E.4 w.vrfr Jal SJ IV ADAMS A CO Came a Mavr Itlnslo attaro. as Camp (trert.

New Orleaaa We would moat respectfully inf rra iurfrtendaaud the public that ocr MUBIC STORE i now open, and tbat we would be glad to receive a call from tbem for the purpose ofinspectlog tbe music n4 ocu'lcal merchandise. Tne Piano are of the best American manafartorlea, the latest oartrms and improvements, with or without tht Attachments; Harps. Mrlodeons, Guitar and violins, of superior quality Brass Instruments, ef every pattern snd variety, for Bands; Bass violins, violoncellos Tenor Violins and Bonioa. Flute. Clarionet.

Flageolets from 4 to key, from the belt Music Boxes, Bast Prams, Snare sr Side Drums; rape nor String fir all k'n 'sof Ici'raojeut. tn tLe greatest variety, he si even trnre n.uaiiy rmri in a music Hriife. DeiLrs wil nud It to their interest to call on as, a wt arc a'lle to sell then many of oar articles oa advantageous Genu. Musicians. Teachers and Amateur are pertlcularlv la vtted to examine, as we will deal with them to their ad vantaae. tnst we aeu win neroiiy and sarisrartonij warranted a to nerwetneta and duraouitv and an in strumrnr a carciui tnai proves neiecave, tne mav be returned and exchanged: for another. Old Pianoa taken la exchange tor new ones by paying tne difference SDossxd other Inatraments toned snl repaired. Bar Piano to let B. We will also keen for aala FRENCH F1AS0A mm r.rara at rieyei. sr iriaslr cestiy bound.

HOMEOPATHIC BOOKS AND MEDICINES, and a me cuolt tttusALAn HOOKS, of tbe best writer, for sa.r ay Aioiuau a WEnuzusi, tH 'V BsijisptrrMI Cheap Palatine. WE are now doing HOUSE AND HOUSE AND SIGN. SHIP ANff STEAMBOAT PAINTING. MARBLING AND GLAZING, cheaper than the cheapest. stirnairv on ait siuas oi wora.

Oiiierssrnt to I KI Julia street, or Gravier street, will rtreiee imoicjiare ipn non. Jyl7 KIBI1E A HOWE. IH Julia st l'o itlrrchants and Planters. Tbe subscriber ha on band and I constantly receiving a large and ii ai rniiauci Pbis snufactnred Plaatalioo and I Koa i V. aeous nr horses and oxen I Cane and other Carts Drays, Timber heels, Ox Carts aod rfuecis, jersey ana xMsxase axons, lrncxs ana vt neei i bai ri ws of all kinds, and all other art idea in tbe Ii oe.

made I of thr best maunal and workmanship, warranted to be I sup, i lor to any other manufacture, for saiec as good terms I aiu lower tnau any otber eatabiianment Purchasers wiL I nndlttotbelr Interest to call and examine before porcha lug eiaewoere. ilAVlU WILSON. 14 Ferrlido Street. between SL Charles and Carondelet ins. All of tbe above article, are manufactured of th nest few jersey White Oak, witb Black Locust Hubs.

aa iv Nt iiled Pranosals. of Board uf Administrators of the Looislana Insti tute for the Deal and Uumb. aod tbe Blind. Batun Eunie. inJIi Jnne 1HM OEALED Proposals will be received until Wedneaday, I the i7th dav of Aurust.

le.U. for Ih. nrrmara heU wora ana carpenter wora in tne erection ol tne buildings for this institution at Baton Rouge, and for tbe materials ror same. Proposals will be received for furnishing sll ma tr riils for tbe brick work aod erecting the same. Propo sols are invited for the performance of tbe brick work lone.

Proposals are invited lor the delivery of tbe brie. lime and sand together, or fur the delivery of either brick, lime or san Proposal are invited for furniih. ing the required lumber in whole or in part. Proposals are mvttea ror tne carpenttr wcrs in Hbale or in part.

i ue rumour at present consists my of the noci md teillcg laist.the sirders and studJin. hmh, for tbe door aud window frames, end the sheathing for the ronf. The ptewnt design of the administrators ittoerei me Doiiaing ar ct nave it under i otpt without buishing tbe inside. Kor this puipose, tbe amuunt of lumber which iney usw ptnpore to contrsrt for will be about 44O.OU0 feet: the quantity of brick about ti.ntm.

ntwt. Contractors will h. required to give sat's'artory security for the performance of tlieaork as well as for lb delivery of materials. Plana, specification! and dr twines of the brick and carpenter's aa wen as (dv oiii or lumner, ana a synopris of the covenant and agreement to be entered Into by the con trac'ori. may be seen at the office of W.

8. PIAE. Baton II 1 III, 1 wvst i'vuj an fpiwoais win oe au ai mat a Jv Itaw4w umce Board or Adminlstretcr Ijjuliisra Institute for irumo. inn nitnn. Ju stli.

Ifwt At a meeting uf tbe Board, held this dav. it wa. that in the propose is published for fumishioc materials labor 'r bulidiog that broach lnadvertunc cMmuii not invit.d fur furnishing brick in pan, as was designed by tbe committee, who are authorized to receive proposals for urn a id wuoic or in pan, ana Dia are tnos invited Jys Itswsw W. 8. PI A Dr.

llelntra's Cerapoana Coaster I rritnaul AsiTLiLiuii as.iui.iJi lee Nenralsia. Sciatica. Lambaao. Venereal Pains. Nodes or Enlaaementc Swellings.

Bronchial Affections and Ps Breast. Violent Local Pains. i neas in ice coins, ceurorrbca or bites, IiMrrbea Also I In a rl I r.1 n.i.nJ.i.1. ln .1,1,1, I erty of the kind Is required Tbi remedy bas been used by some ol onr nest physician of tbi city and elarwherel ith F.eev I.

aui I steamboats should not be without It Tbe eonntrv nhvsi ei.n 111 .1 If In. In. SI. I 1 Moosrkrrmr.lT and Deeds no coffin, tan he nr minnnnr Ivi at Jiisenh street, U7.t. 1.1 s.i un.

uicuviiiessa cnsurTe vtreeta Rankin. corner Cawr and Povdra ats Rare C'hnnre to Capltalinta PROFITABLE INVtRTMrNT for a. arlygeia Uotel, Old Point Comfort. Vlrrln'a. for S.le Tbeander.1,0ed have determtned to ofler at SocSTt'ot'ether HosJo 'm' rT rJTi 1" "be Household.

DtolngRnora "ess. in niicnrs rorninre, unTMl, Urtlsm. Sr. Himrc finLM. tit Ibe wide spread renutatian gfftu Pi', 7 JTT.

Tu anpertor Sea Bathing, and. other aamerooa atirarrloc to scription of this popular wateriui place entirely aaaecea vi u.cBHre. reader a imIimlmI a Eale posilive. Terms of payment liberal, aad made Jr to J. P.

RETN0LD8 A CO. Newark, N. Haddierr Ware tou. A WUfs, 1TJLL A Pan Causa! stres, friauaiag sj awory Wo. yi CtTw7 mnrl 1 I I 1 I I I I I I KoeumeelBm, Gout, I Nervnn.

tili I the Bone. White ilnsin th Bide and mrf nciT I HOTE liSil 01 Hotel mm RsstairuL asUlOOtK Charles atnet. rpHIS esaaiMwsesst, aaoJarty assvm, havhu uioroasuif svwiy rsniaBSSIa pertlcoiar, i now epen ot tlss scssmnsnnarioq tdent as well as the tmveUafMblk. Be effort wta kt an sn pbls vi iw MMtswa sua aaasstajsaa sa every delicacy with sasaasch ssvi reaAarh J' essniwtabls. ti m.BMJu urn a 1 lues Cfer Usisise Cooperstown, Otsego eoont New TorhT ALBERT M7 STODDARD.

T. UmS m. This Hotel is aow soea far tae iwMwa or sjsaaSa base been spared to reaeW ttta2 one in tbe Union. All the aaaaWai? NooSort bass cocDjartable one Bftmaaenta are introduces. Toe main building, (the 1st residence of J.

Kj Cooper, tbe distinguished Americaa novtUst,) letSTJ easennai leaturea 01 snc laic scyio, Aa aAM.i.. 1 sp itint. ia. naa been asses, crania, building, in tb lower part of which ta a iTri. capable of seating 860 guests tbe upper part si slvMsl Avuea parlors ana sleeping rvasDa vaster 1 iatjaaans 4 IntfllltfumnilltnrM fif MSB ha 1 i Tk.

rt esreiieni qnaiixy. Tbe gruaiid emhrace eight acres, laid eat ia 1 10.111 shaded by trees ana sbrabbery uf every varVtv Ashing and ample alks Gud Tbe village of Cooperstown 1 situated at ths lostsf fia ego Lake, which I ten mile long aad front one miles wide the scenery around wblcb Is beaettfai ia i re me. fh rniT inn Thlrh srnwslasii 7 )etic aa It near tbe ocean, has iu source la Pt lanm me cskcid iwuaiwir vi iqc village. Wnksaa ruda of the boose are tww Sulphur Springs, waieaT all tbe medicinal qualities of those asara ralraisil wore freauently resorted to. Tbert ass Sasstakiaa.

hatha. rT Visitor can leave New fork several Us road and steamers rasas neer trains a mad leave Albanv for Fort Plain tour racriMrd. 'r that point tbe transit 1 mollous roaches over a plank road, pass! eg tkissit" 1 1 In 1 an romsonc ceunrrv lie vase 1 nave pleris ed themselves ta perform the route fa lilT Prt Plain will iL'' TCJllKn 11," SSSBCMag ooorr Baas a pnVsUe camrj tbcdco iuc uwaswc. 1 The WsublMf tan Hotel. The vaabington notei, wnico fashionable resort, and at which a Table tad f55 are kept, such aa leave nothing more to at seaWasL now a oder tbe sole direction of tbe nbsnlber.

CTS .1 11 mk. .1 rnicn nas nitnerui oeen so iinerauv esorooea ns apS tl i C. ODVIEgJ, Clarendon. Late Phelp House, Buffalo. New va Tbe snbacrlber having Irasedthwisrelikaal 0a lor a term Of yeara, wwig Bnaoaoca sa tae iaaue OS' that it has undertone extensive repairs, has been refurnished ia Ue bi( best sty iaasaam elegance, and Is now prepared in ail respects tor Las rlon and convenience of euesta.

Tbe Iocs' ion of this bouse ii central and i being in tbe very ncart oi tne city, upon the aeasda street, contiguous to eacn raiiroaa aepoc I ass sVi aL. an aSordlug tbe hnest view of Bolialo and the Z' ri country that can oe nao in tne city. It will ever be the mri rrf thTTTrrrrrlrtrsTta isailiiii comforts of a pleasant borne, in behalf of all was ssay aV vor him witn tneir pacranage. Be rrsst tost tk aaaaa generosity wblcn was aceorceo wm as lisiniisailsi at tke steamers London, Canada. May Flower, and Esspir Rasa.

may also be extended to Lin in ma new vocation. apl4 om it. An Alira. Tbe Prentlsa Uanse. SBsk Tbt well known, convenient aad verv aaaaas? b.4 Hotel ha been thoroognly repairad aaa cicaaaag i nisbed.

and everything in splnd'd order; aew v. rnina in spisnu a oraer; Bew vssyatA and bedding, aad the chambers all bl irlors and ladles' and senUeaea'i rai and nne new Deo ana I bridal trim tbe nerlors nary magninrentiy run 1st dav of Aueust neat. inrent rurnianea. it ami naer roe maneBfrrBeat a H. SIMMONS, formerly of the WashiBgtaai Betel, boa recently of tne commercial notei, esapats.Tewa it Is trjf determinsnon oi tne propnetara ta aass tag1 note i in use ooota SOS Wast, I be spared ts eweet tha Luofil'Z: advantageous far the tsss both tbe landlas saS depot.

The table will be furniahed with ths ssattkea money can hoy. Virksburg, June 18, 18ft. The Lake Haase. gycas This favorite Hotel, at the Lake Bad swSbs thr II 'rrtki laats sVJ.uf Mr. GEORGE W.

CDLLUM, late law Caw Hotel. Tue new leasee deems it useless to place tae sstssv ilshment more prominently before the public bv dnauise of Ita saerit and advantage. It Is tea well kases to swag, such praise. He trusts to be able ts gratify all caaasrs. more particularly family parties, tor wnooa sacs swrssaas ment will be made as will render ths kaaa a eviet sad agreeable resort.

aw off Wsitsra Veravadaa. a5 oi caoamceajaa BBS jus Tb above estaolisbsneat. haviaa chs leergone a com psete isaovasiom, vmai new fanBasaE c. the Droprietosa won id resnectiallv Baaiamil bey can accommodate penaanent and riansliat Aaarssaanl a siyU sat sarpssssi la tb city. The hi was as a eat sag steamboat landing.

inry aiaaanaaaaeecnattn nvoxnuaBesuaorrBWwaa plied wUb a choice stock of Wines sad anas tbe best nuuuvresaeat. rr Omulbaaea ts aad froxa lahvitU a Csssal sssaaa. uower cotton rreas, pass tne Hotel every nrosea aepv a lv jiaxs iiowpi. WATERING PLACESv Hellywead Ueaae, aw era Boorc vi jaoous asox, rt The proprietor of this favorite peace of rasst) take pleasure in inforssiug tbe citizens ef Ilea leans that the sulendld iow pitaauia Jassas. Capt.

Armstrong, has commenced making tww aria awSy set earn aaonue and rloUywood. Ufltors caa saw sssas on witnout detention in Mooiic, except the sue of baggage from one boat to tbe other. i nis establishment vain complete order ana bath greatly improved. A barge same a laat year fig per week It per ear. Jyn smdAW FREEMAN A SMITH.

The Oceai fSBtiaaa sh Will be open for the Kcestsoo of ITissliklll sa I fe a SnN DAT. Jun lueh IK1 Jel7 tf fl ENOCH lYtlAT Sana ai)aei Hotel. tf lue unoersigned, having parrhi The nndersigned, having rnrrhasrfl tbe Wa tj House, at tbe bead of tbe wharf, at Pass Ckrtstlsss, Me ua. iwu snBKa ana ruraisoeei wan new bbt ntture. It is now In complete order sad opes aw ths BB ception of visitor Also livery arabiea, contaiartng ar rlnees, buggies, and saddle horses, wtth good driver J' mysi 4m sirs.

A. SMITH. of Bwyoa Sara t'uDam'n prlnars, Choc Law ceaagy. Mm.s m. CHARLES 'at nf thr Manslsa nisaai Mobile, bavins himself wmaimrl.

at this place, has made such progress ia ba'idiag aad improvement a to be able to annotates himself aitpaai tn receive visitors, and hopes that his indnstrv udtwrt em us nis proirsaton wm aeaerve a Bur share of the bbsbst favor. These Spring are ituated aboat bml fa mile east of tat Bladon 6orinca. Etesmhost talv twu aaaaa Mobile aod Moore' Lauding, on the Tomsecaiae vsrot, a here carnages are si ways in resdiDe foe passesussnl gaV The wa'eis have been sabjneted La a caeefal ssasMs by Mr. Arensin.of New Orleana. who arlll naKluk la a days the exact result.

In the meantime, tt acerlisl that they are exceedingly rich in bi carkoBsreof asda. aod eouai as an allerarive HiMjmn. Mm i i Ii ijiij atersof Europe or America. In additpa ta the aiassaa 1 era Loere is also a strong Cl Olil CHARLES CULLCM. Barnes's Hoase w.

I City. 1 ue above hoaae ill be opened forth of visitor on tbe let Jcne. Tbes sdatto Will be found eonal to anva.kll.kut mm tkIka Shore. Separate bath honaeafor families. Goad wharf tached to the premise.

Billiard Table, ottentlv as vauia, aca every nine conducive ta the ccszuortM i oooa enaoung at all times. Terms snwdarse. m) vs im yv. Bllozl Hoaae. Bllexl.

SIlso. Mi. Mr1' fllON, resMctfaUa bsfgraa tAeaoA He that sue will opea tbls bouse tor the racsstisa Visitors IMI tl Uk Amm rMU Tbe house ha rem (IimmuIiI. mAX a kept in good vie. The table will alwawa h.

allaAwwh TZ i iuckb coast ana new onesn i Attached to tbe bouse will be fouad Bar aad Room, Ten pin Alley aad Stables, Person desiroaa nt nWal.ln. wml wAmmmm the proprietress at Bilnxl Terma moderate, aad non rrum tbe regular nriceamada ia f.flllM Biloxl. May Greea Oaks Hotel. Biloxl. Mlaa.

Thl famed end popular summer retreat. li' t'y known througboot the Southern cnaotry.aaeot the nf aim Bsrn xiuir.H and her son, NO. P. PRADAT.

situated aboat OB ssU dl.tant from the village of Hiloal. wlU be opened aa tb 1st of June for the reception of visitors. The een Oaks'' UtooweU known to need aa axteaa ed notice. For many years the nonnlaritw as" the sstasswh ment bas been suadil lncreaalne. Thr amr aarsral rf i vantages, commanding the finest water prospect aa thl lake, and receiving tbe pure salt water as it dows froa to Gulf have not failed to Impress favorably ths aaaay visa on from New Orleans, Mobile, and the snrrran 'i sssa try.

tr Daring the Winter the emwwiernra have made BBBBT Ba, provemrnUand additiona The bar and billiard raecosas tbOTOOehlv arranaeil anil Mn mmll hnata arlll all Uf ea at the service of the viaUttrs, free of charge wW. claret at dinner. w. Baeaa Ortasa la engaged, and a ball may be expected twice every was. Visitors wishing to nop at tKe Green Oak are is stated to notify th captain of the teamera, who will kvai tbeja at tbe wharf ol tb hoteL Terai Pre PerdBy Children aod servants, half price.

arrpO BhadOB tSprlnats. AlatxnaBBa. a The anrlervi gned, the proprietor of these uVhlatsd and popular Spring. happy to Inform als sasaeva friend. WOO have hMSnnM 1.

I mhm at safe carriaM are always taaatf to Tt 7 "00" steamboat aassenger vtstcag nss Spnosa I 04 adjacent to tbe Spring kt pleaM. laAlBX SAd bSaithV k.1.. ll I iMI TT eaerciae, contributes to the ranid rsBtosmtkaa to swasthsl toe ruftrbled invalid. wmwij rorencB war sawn. "nects, particularly in diseases of the liver and kisssTya, and in neuralgia, while 'or dyspeptic aArXions bas sfcowa that tbey are a poeiave srecitic CONN A WOOTCW, Banker Hill Clear Star, tbecvend eWabftabe Ja A bow opened, wonki rnanHii. tha areotiBaf no. camp street. tKetr A ir their frieaa and tbe public to their leeted stock of HA AHA CIGARS. csaBrkdM alls ad qualities i suck aa i imperuuea.

Reiki la full I Caeayioras, tsaaa, I Palelaa, Ixodras I I JSSBOS, Au eat aad wefl known hrsad stosaUtaan. Cilia dradaa, Teamerna. TasaanBuasa AVa Of tha aTCsbS, Usuea. Cahae. s.

Kl DuuU. Sslllssaa. Sol, At. Ate sss te lewata kavtag ssasJl vdsi II I will Aid Preveaciva aeaias tokiaa Tots esadMW tbe CBbatsiL mi sails. aZ1.1 by aew ull lw Partiei wiiairf to leave Coovratown rma dnt ticrar by (loc fw momenU1 Betlce si tbe eOea.

PersVMia IcATinff New York for tbe Coootrr mL I inV ana tne bwduc ZZm rally, that he i now eoarrd to aeemmadatr. I sss ssrS Tbo who haws, J7 pviBgare Informed tbStnyassM "fl1 miles froxn tbe Tocabiehee river, aaa etdrtv sva uaviaraiioii. PfW BTlMMi A MNU MWlsT a II" AuLL a Cm. 3.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.