The Raleigh Register from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)

INSUIIANCE. PETEKSBUIIG ADTKM'TSj MliiNES, "BjAyyHM MEDICINES, LATE PUBLICATIONS. iVTOBTH CAROLINA MUTUAL UE Snrfllll a. Ol fcjVHa 3'SS INSURANCE COM PAN At the annual OUI UlUiaj Ul 5 MJ Hio-of the North Carolina Mutual lire Insurance PERSONS LIVING IV THE f'fiirx: -WWHING TO Can do so by describing the quality of touch they desire. 1 tuU9 MEA1BER9 ELECT OF THE LEGI JLA- TURK SESSION 1S60-'61.

Democrats Koman) 3Q Unionists (in Ital 19; Ad Valorem Democrats (in smaixcaps) 1 jVmocratie majority 12. 1st Wijtrict-r-Pasquotank and M. (: fhedbeeVr '2na -Camden and Currituck B. F. Simmons.

3rA. -kt' Galea and Chowan JUtUs Eurt. corruption of the blood Company, hel un the 10th Japuary, 1880, the foUow-Vitiated, weak, and poor iqg persons ere elected Directors and Officers fur the is-a eonstitntional disease, a which this fluid becomes 4 tii Hyde" and Tyrrell Jones Spencer. 5tL Northampton J. M.

S. Rogers. 6tfc 1 Hertford--Joseph B. Slaughter. 7th Bertiet-Daiwti ChUi.

1 Blfc. Mrtiri "and Washington J. R. iuiii jwgecome varKe. Ilth Pitt J.

Blount. il2tlt -Beaufort Frederick Grist 13tb Craven N. II. Street. 14tb 'Carteret and 1 5th' Greer.e and Jienoir J.

P. Speight. I6tl Hanover Eli W. Hall. 1 1 ITtn Ddplio- Jamee G.

Dickson. 1816 Una low Li. vy numpurey. Bladen, Brunswickand Columbus rJno. D.

Taylor. Cumberland Harnett Duncan Shaw. Sampson T. Faison. Wayne4W.

K. Lane. Johns.ton---J. W. B.

Watson. Wake 'Moses A. Blkdbok. Nash Taylor. Franklin--W.

Harris. Warren T. J. Pjtchfordv Granville C. H.

K. Taylor. PerBonT-C; L. Winsted. i Orange Josiah Turner; Jr.

Alamance and Randolph Jona. WQrth, '23rl 24th 25th 26th 2th 28th -29th "3011 3ur 33 na i '33 rd 34th 36th 3tth ai h. 1860. 1860. Hamilton Graham, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN i Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, -PETERSBURG, VA.

Invite the attention of Southern dealers, 4e heir large and extensive stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY uwuo, now in store and ready for cocnrising a full and handsomerflnge of i Cr a fc Also, the largest sad most attraetlve siock iney have ever presented to the traded of Cloths, Ca88imeres, 3-4 and u- uuea viin Satinets Kentucky Jeans, Blankets. Ifcersey. Llnseys, And leading GOODS, purcuosed in large quantities on the most favorable terms, from various manufacturers, and especially adapted' to the wants the Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee mercnams. Thev feel assured that purchasers "visiting this city will find their stock both extensive and desirable, em bracing the newest and latest designs of the season, of which will offered to punctual customers on terms to compete with any House, North or South. call is solicited.

ii i All orders shall have theirrpersonal attention. Agents for Coiton Yarns and Shoe Threads sep IS 2m ALL AND WINTER STOCK FOR 1860. CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS, AT THOMAS W. ROYSTON'S, 51J SYCAMORE STREET, PE1ERSBURG, VA. Having just returned from the city of New York, am prepared to offer one of the best stocks that I have ever before presented to the trade of Virginia and North Carolina, embracing all the most desirable styles now worn.

Dress and Frock Coats, all made to oriier lor my saie. Business Suits in the greatest variety, to match. Black French Doeskin Cassimere Frocks, all sizes. Fancy Cassimere Sacks and Frocks, something really nice, all colors and sizes. Overcoats and Sacks, the most'desirable stock to be found, all new and well made.

Vests by the hundreds, all kinds and sizes, some extra large sizes. Five hundred pairs superior Black Cassimere Pants 1500 makes of Doeskin. Fancy and Plain stvles Cassimere Pants laOO pairs or more for Gents and uoys; wear. 150 Boys Over Sacks and Raglans, all new. Children's Clothing in great variety.

Gents Furnishing Goods tne best stock: in tne country for retail sales, embracing everything belonging to Gents' Wearing Apparel. Call and examine my stock, and oblige se 22 T. W. R0YST0N. PEEBLES, PLUMMER (FORMERLY PEEBLES WHITE.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GROCERS, No.

22, Old Street, Petersbury Va. PROMPT and diligent personal attention given to the sale of all consignments of Produce Always on hand a full supply of standard quanty Gr. cenes, suited to the wants of Farmers and Families. LEM'L PEEBLES, Jno J. THOMPSON.

HENRY t. plummer, late of the firm of N. M. Martin, Brother A Co. Sole Agents for Reese a Phospho Peruvian, or Manipulated Guano.

June 27 tf. TO THE CITIZENS OF RALEIGH AND VICINITY. ESTABLISHED IN 1 8 36. EF0RE purchasing an article so highly to be $e- Xjf ed. as a good Piano Forte, there are some guides worth knowing.

Flattering ourselves that we know to test and judge between instruments, therefore it is that our Pianos Are Doubly Guaranteed, first, by ourselves, and secondly, by the manufactu rers For Five Years. Wc challenge any one to produce un Instrument, which, upon fair and equal grounds, will be pronounced (by competent and impartial critics) superior to one of like size and value of thxpe we have been selling lor tne.last Zi years. K. P. NASH 4 CO.

june 6 tf Petersburg, Va. DIRECT Fall Fall TRADE I860. I8GO. I AM now receiving by ship Susan Kinks, of my Own Importation, direct from Liverpool to City fowl, and by Ship W. L.

Lindsey, from Liverpool to New York, a liirce i-tock of Earthen Parian Ware. Ac, and am receiv. in from the Eastern ud Western Factories, Glass Ware of all Cut and Pressed. My stock is large, embracing all goods found in and Qouse furnishing establishments. I am prepared, and will offer great inducement!) to punctual paying and cash customers, and ask of all an examination of my goods and prices before purchasing.

iAMUKL STEVENS No. 55 Sycamore St. Petersburg. Va. BeSt Baltimore and City made Stone-Ware on hand.

beptember 1st, 1860. sept 4 tf. Standard copy. KETTLEWELL'S MANIFULATO GUANO FUHE SUBSCRIBERS niVING BEEN I appointed Agents in this place for the sale of this celebrated Fertilizer, beg leave to say that they will be constantly supplied, and all orders will be filled with promptness, at the lowest rates. or the past five years this Guano has been thorough ly tested in several States and various soils, with uni versal satisfaction, as far as we know.

For sale inlots to suit, by DONNANS A JOHNSTON, Grocers and Commission Merchants, A4g. Petersburg, larroTlCK. MR. HENRY L. PLUMMER, Jr, nas inis aay witnarawn trom tne firms of N.

M. Martin, Sou A Richmond, and N. M. Mabtin, bro, ewrsDurg. Decembers), 185U.

TTENRY L. PLUMMER, OFFERS I his sincere thanks for the liberal support extend ed to tne nrms, trom waich he now withdraws, and take4 the opportunity to solicit the further encourage ment oi ms inenus in tne new business connexion which he has formed. December 8 1st, 1859. I DISSOLUTION. rpHE FIRM OF PEEBLES WHITE IS JL I this day dissolved by mutual consent We desire to elose up the business promptly, and, to this end, request those indebted 'to us by bond or open ac count lo arrange lor tne settlement of the same.

The style of the firm will be continued for the pur-. puae vi ciusiug uio Dusmess. LEMUEL PEEBLES, THOMAS WHITE. Petersburg, January 2d, 1860. 1 CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.

HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY formed a Co-partnership under the stvle of PEE- Buwp, KiiUMMJSK for the purpose of con ducting a General Commission and Grocery Business, at the old stand of Peebles A White. XT- A Al 3 o. -s uia street, ana respecnuiiy solicit the patron. age iii lueir mcnas. ucaa uHiLi "1S1C1J1j1SH, Late of the firm of Peebles A White.

H'CNkY L. PLUMMER. Late of the firm of N. M. Martin, Bro.

A Co. JNO. J. THOMPSON. Petersburg, January 2d, 1860.

A CARD. In retiring from the firm of Peeblks A Whit, I desire to express my sincere thanks to my friends and the public generally for their liberal support, and to solicit a continuation to the firm "of 1 1 V. a a hciiics, i luuimer en wno are in way Worthy of their patronage. every THOMAS WHITE. Petersburg, January 2d, I860.

jan 7 tf. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS IRON AND STEEL WARF.HOTTStf Ab. IS Sycamore Street, Petersburg. V. GILLIAM DUNLOP invite the iMnnlinn of wholesale dealers, manfaeturers and railways to their well assorted stock ol Iron and Steel, comprising NlrOB.Swedes, Hammered, Refined, English, Ovals and Carriage, Horse Shoe, Hoop and Band.

German, Mschine, Spring, English and Swedes Blister. Nail Rods, Sheet Iron, Pig and Bar Lead. Importing direct ad dealing exclusively In metal, they feel confident of giving satisfaction, andf rwepoet-fullyolieitetaL' -IjanT "GUANO FALL SAT.K8. Bare daily expeetlngacargo of vTi' tATBi) and will keep a full supply of the i.ur-'uguoui tne we sball also be eon- 1 taaOy auppled with "A No. I Puwia Qtsxta." I "IWP'antera ordering their supplies -from as may rely upon reeeiving the best article that is sold.

1 PEEBLES, PLUMMER A CO. aug 1 Trr and a Spriag wery I but cheaD ing at ished 6 tles DR of 4 ERO SENE OIL AND LAM PS. A -i dednl ImproveweBt in Kerosene Oil Lamps I have made arrangements to keep constant supply Of Kerosene Oif which as cleat as wator, has but little smell, does norsuioke, and cheap. Also the new style Burner, wbieh eiui be attached to any Fluid, or old Kerosene Lamp at a trifling cost. have' alio, a beautifbl assortment ef Lamps also, Chimneys, 'wick, and Lamp Scissors, Tery low.

PF. PESCUD, Druggist. OLD FLUID AND OIL AMP9. A great many old Fluid and Oil Lamp, ms am ev, either defaced, o- out of fashion, can, be, had very at Drugstore SOAP SOAP 1 1 SOAIV? I SUAr i Old Brown A White Windsor Soap, Olive Uil Soap, iurpenrine eoap, White and Mottled Castile oap, Variegated Soap, Honey Soap, Glycerine and Almond Soap, And irreit rarietv of other kinds for Shaving, Wash aud Laundry purposes very goodaud very cheap ooviy iusvy- CONGRESS WATER,) COWUBESS WATER. --A consant supply, which is kept replen from the Fountain bead, by frequent arrivals at PKCUp Drugstore.

CASKS VERY SUrEKlw liunuun AND SCOTCH ALE IN PINT BO T- and Jugs, just received, and for sala by, OTHER SUPPLY OF RED CLOVER SEED, just received, atod for sale at PESCDD'S Drugstore. ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE SPLEND-id Mercer Potatoes expected this week, at PESCUD'S Drugstore. MY SECOND SUPPLY- Or IIUISI'S Garden Seed, is daily expected, at 0 kNE QUARTER PIPE EACH OF OLD MadeirWine, and London Dock Brandy, just received at PESCUDS Drugstore. feb 8 aiw- aieign, v. ALL DRUG TRADE, 1860 X.

F. RIVES DRUGGISTS, No. IOT Sycamore Petersburg, Offer for sale, on accommodating terms, a large and well selected stock of UGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DTE STUFFS, WINDOW GLASS, PATENT MEDICINES, BRUSHES, PERFUMER Yj FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO. CIOARS, SNVFF, d-c consisting in part of Alum, Alcohol, SeiJHtz Powders. Soda Powders, Hoise Powders, Burning Fluid, Camphene, Spices of all kinds, Toilet aud Shaving Soaps Printers Ink, Artists'Col- ors, Snuff in bales, bladders in great variety, aud bulk, Black and Blue Starch, Copperas, Cochineal, Ext.

Indigo, Blueing, Mhstard, Sweet Oil, Castor Oil, Kerosene, Sperm, Solar, Red Wood, Madder, Fus tic, Oil Vitriol, solution. Tin, Uream lar- Combs, Hair Ij rushes, Pomades, Tooth Brushes, Lard and Tanners' Oil, Colognes, Extracts for the Handkerchief, and Linseed Oil, White Lead and Colors, Fancy articles of all i Varnishes, Window Glass, kinds, All kinds of Patent Medf- Blacking Matches, Essence of Coffee, Super Crb. Soda, eines usually sold in the Southern States, oalaratus, Merchants Physicians and others are respectfully invited to examine their stock. Orders executed promptly. P.


CAB It. TyroT Xj anno I TAKE PLEASURE IN announcing to our friends, that we have removed from the temporary location we had on. Old Street, to our New Building, No 11 Sycamore st. These premises have been recently fitted up expressly for the Apothe cary auuurug uusmess, uuu we aru uow iu recuipt unusually large supplies of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Sperm, Machinery, Linseed, Lard and Tanner's Oils Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes Window Glass, Patty, Patent Me dicines, Fancy Articles, etc, in endless vane. ties These Goods have been purchased in the best mar kets with great care, and we respectfully ask.

an ex amination Irom all in want of such articles. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS Call at No. 11 Sycamore Street, where you will find every artiole in our line of business, of the best quality and latest style. yaS Prescriptions carefully compounded. All orders attended to with despatch.

J5- Particular attention pa to packing and for. rarding. P.S. We return thanks to our numerous friends for their very liberal patronage extended to us, and hope, oy promptness and personal attention to business to have a continuance of the same. WILSON A ALFRIEND, seu 3 No.

1 1 Sycamore at. Petersburg, Va. Thousands are daily speaking in the praise of Dr. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIALt and why? because it never fails to afford instantane- reitej wuen given in time, it acts as ir by magic, and one trial alone will eonvinee you that what say is irue. ix contains NO PAREGORIC rfOR OPIATE of any and therefore relieves by removing the sufferings of your ebild, instead of by deadeniny its sensibilities For this reason, it commends itself as the only reliable preparation now known for'Chil aren 'teething, liiarrhiea, Oysentery, Griping in the Bowels, Acidity in the Stomach, Wind, Cold in the Head, ahd Croup, aiso, tor softening tne gums, reauciug regulating the Bowels, and relieviny pain, it bat no equalbeing an anti-spasmodic it is used with unfailing success in all cases of Convulsion or other IIS.

As yoa value the life and healiX of your children, and tcish to save them from those sad and blighting consequences which are certain to result from the wkoj narcotics aj wnicn another remedies jor infantile complaints are composed, take but Dr. EflL. ton's Infantile Cordial, this yow can rely noon, is periecuy Harmless, ana cannot injure tne most delicate infant, fnce, 2a Cents. Full directions ac company each bottle. Prepared by CHURCH A DUP0NT, mar 31 No.

409 Broadway, New York. For sale in Raleigh by Williams A Haywood, P. F. Pescud, and Iredell Brothers. fflEKI POUNDS ASSORTED NUM- English Emery.

For pale by, WILLIAMS HAYWOOD. January 24lh, I860. JanJ5-' TINE WINES. RRANniPii. jt tii subscribers keep constantly on hand for Family! ana meaicinai purposes, a pure and reliable article of French Brandy, Apple BransVy, Old Rve Whiskv.

CfiAl Jamaica Rum, Madeira Wine, Sherry Wine, Cooking Wine, London Porter, apr 18 Port Wine, Scuppernong Wine, Scotch Ale. WILLIAMS A GLENCOVE STARCH. THE WHITEST, purest and best article ever made, may be found at our store Send for a sample. apr 18 WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD-." POTASH, IN SIX POUNDS CANS, for making also, a large supply of Concentrated Lye, ust received at th Drug Store of apr 18' WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. ThAINTSi WE HAVE A LARGE SUP PLY of White LeadLinseed Oil, snd every description of Paiat, juitable for House Painting, which, we are sellUgery low.

Those having painting to do ob.u oetter gat our pneea Derore tney uy, apr WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD DELL FINE SltPPLY lof of this Jestly celebrated Cologne jusr received. Juo Fi Bazrn'a kuuu. umvgus ana wicxerea DovLVeS. i tl 1 r. irartkise family Celogne, and tuany therf of strperior aualiry, in store and for sale eheas.

Vv a-r WILLIAMS A i ''w v. vxiauwaxl LsIiSJ 1 LVYl UCtRS' for i that 1 a in can the 4 a SKVEN IvA KS'. THE 8 EVEN TEARS OP UNBIVALLED STO-CESS attending the 'COSMOPOLITAN ART have made it a household word throughout e-ery quar ter of the Uoun try. -Under the auspices of this popular Institution, over three hundred ihouiand home have learned to appre- ciate by beautiful 'works of art on their walla, and choice literature on their tables, the gteat benefits derived from becoming a i Subscriptions are now being received in 'a ratio un-paralelled with that of any previous year. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.

vVny person can become a member by subscribing three dollar, for which sum they will receive 1st. the large and superb steel engraving, 30x33 inches, en titled FAtSTAFP MUSTERING HIS RECRUITS 2d. One copy, one year, of that elegantly illustrated magasane, THE COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL." 3d. Four admissions, during-the season, to The Gallery; of Paintings, 548 Broadway In addition to the above benefits, there will be given to subscribers-, as gratuitous premiums, over Five Hundred Beautiful Works of Art comprising valuable paintings, marbles, parians, out lines, 4c, forming a truly national beneht. The Supkbb EsamAvmo.

which every subscriber will receive, entitled, "Falsiavp Mustering his Km-CRtriTS, Is one of the most beautiful and popular en gravings ever issued in this country. It is done on steel, in fine line arid'ttipple, and is printed on -heavy plate paper. 30 by 33 inches, making a most choice ornament, suitable for the walls of either the library. parlor or Its subject is the celebrated scene of Sir John Falstaff receiving, in Justice Shallow's office. the recruits which brve been gathered for his ragged; regiment" It eould not be furnished by the trade for less than five dollars.

The Art Journal is too well, knew fto the whole country to need commendation. It is a magnificently illustrated magazine of Art, containing Essays, Stories, Poems, Gossip, ic, by the ve-y best waters in America. The Engraving is sent to any part of the country by mail, with safety, being packed lm a cylinder, postage prepaid. Subscriptions will be received until the Evening of the 31st of 1851, ab Which time the books will close and the premiums be riven to subscribers. No person is restricted to a single subscription.

Those remitting 15, are entitled to five memberships and to one extra Engraving for their trouble. Address, C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A.

549 Broadway, New-York. N. B. Subscriptions received and forwarded by Thomas Carter, Agent for Raleigh and vicinity, where specimen Engravings and Art Journal can be seen. IVIL PRACTICE IN NORTH CARO LINA.

One vol. 8vo. Containing nearly five hun dred pages. reduced to $3. With the Carolina Form Book, Cantwelrs Justice, and this volume, showingthe actual practice in court, the mere citizen, the functionary, or the lawyer, have easy access to business forms.

-For sale by II. D. TURNER, Postage 35 cents. JV C. Bookttore.

Raleigh, August, I860. augl8 if NEW BOOKS. A RCTIC ADVENTURE, BY SEA AND XI Land, from the earliest date to the last expe ditions in searcn ot bir John iYaDklin. edited bv J.pes fcargent. Witd Maps and illustrations.

DGAR POE, AND CRITICS. BY SARAH X21 Helen Whitman S'. I milE MARBLE FAUN, OR THE RO- JL manee of Monte Beni in two vols. By Nathaniel Hawthorne; Author of "The Scarlet Letter," etc. HAWKSVIEW: A HISTORY OF OUR Own Times.

13y Holme Lee; Author of "Against Wind and Tide," etc. O' UR FARM OF FOUR ACRES, AND The Money we -made by it. With an Iutroduc- tion. By Peter B. Mead, Editor rist.

of the Horticultu- TIIE CAVALIERS OF FORTUNE, OR British Heroes, in foreign By James Grant, Author of The Romance of War," etc. IVfEMOIRS OF JAMES MARQUIS, OF K. Captain General of Scotland. IT Montrose, By James (irant, Author of The Komance ot War, etc. THE MIL Li ON THE George Elliott Author oi Life," Ae.

For Sale by Raleigh, N. 1860. FLOS S. HY Scenes of Clerical L. POMEROY.

aug 18 tf. xt: EW BOOKS FOR SEPTEMBER. JJi The True Path, or The Ypung Man Invited to the Saviour. In a Series of Lectures. By The Rev.

Joseph M. Atkinson, Raleigh, N. C. iWILKINS WYLDER, OR THE SUCCESSFUL -By Stephen F. Miller, 1 Author of Tne Bench and Bar or Georgia." THE BLACK GAUNTLET, A Tale of Plantation Life in South Carolina.

By Mrs. Henry R. Schoolcraft, SCIENCE, A WITNESS FOR THE BIBLE. By Rev. W.

N. Pendleton, D. D. THE ROBBIN jY, OR HOW NAT GOT HIS LEARNING. An Example Youth.


Wright. NEMESIS. By Marion HarlantL THREE PER CENT A MONTH, OR THE PERILS OF FAST LIVING. By Charles Burdett. 1 For Sale by HENRY D.

TURNER, North Carolina Bookstore. Raleigh, N. Septomber, 1860. sept 11 tf NEW BOOKS. CJ JiDAY- ENJOYMENTS, OR RELIC kj I ON Made Pleasant to Children.

The Scripture History of our iiord and bayiour Jesus Christ, orrang' ed to Illustrate his Divinity, Doctrine and Mission. By M. B. Sterling Clark. THE CAVERLY Linden's Teachings.


Craik, D. Rector of Christ Church, ville. JAS. Louis- A CHURCH HISTORY OF THE FIRST Three Centuries, from the thirteenth to the three hundred and twenty-third year of the Christian Era. Dy Milo mWENTYFIVE TUNERS.

ADAPTED Dami Hymns, in the book of Common irayer. naiteu by the Rev. Albert Wood, A. YMNS FOR CHILDREN, COMPILED und set to appropriate Music. Bv the Rev.

J. Freeman Young. COLLECTION OF SACRED SONGS, Beinar an Eclectic for th ft' iim nt ChurqheSjFamilies and Schools. To whiph aer appended a special aeparanent containing appropriate Musie for Urdinations, leaications, last days, Funerals, Etc. iSdited by cnaries Jerome Hopkins.


THE same that Van Amburgh rlued bis lion together wun, is doing wonders nereabouts. A boy- op town glued his play wagon together. "wrong ride up," and the glue did its duty so well that me wagon nad be broken again before it. eould be made right. If Mr, Spaulding desires to become a candidate for the Presidency, and his friends stick like his Glue, he win oe sure oi an election.

To Architects and Draftsmen who have occasion to "spring on" paper for drawings, this Glue will save a very considerable amount of time and labor. Damaged book-covers, loosened, leaves, dilapidated maps, and herbariums, will remind the student ofjts Nobody should be without it. Ask for Spaulding's rrepareu uriue. ror sale by apr 4 i H. D.

TURNER. MARION HARLANDS NEW BOOK, Nemesis. By Marion Harland Author, off Hidden Path," Moss side," Etc. i 1 This day received. Price $1 25 For Sale by W.

L. POMEROY. Raleigh August, I860, aug 22 by it Being in. the circulation, 'it pervades the wnole noay and may burst out in disease on any part oi it. no organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy.

The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, I will viBit the iniquities of. the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence bv denosiuon from trie dioou oi corrupt or ulcerous matter, which in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul corruption, which genders in the blood, der presses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitutions ot only suffer from scrofulous complaints, but tney have far less power to witnstana me aitacs-s oi other diseases consequently, vast numbers perisn by disorders which, although not scrofulous in theujna- ture, are still rendered fatal by this taint in tne system. Most of the consumption which dcimates the human familv has i's origin directly in! this scrofulous contamination and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, jOf all tne ergans, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause.

One quarter of all onr people are scrotulous; weir persons are invaded by this lurking lulection, ana their health is undermined by it. lo cleanse it irom the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and invigorate it by healthy food aaH exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Saraaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is combined from the most active remediala that been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of notonly scrofula, bat also those other afections which prise from it, sueh fs Ebupitive ahd Skin Diseases, St.

Asthont's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Blains, and Boils, Tumors, Tetter, and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Rue worm, Rheumatism, Syphilitic Mercurial Disease, Dropsy, Dispepsia, Debility, and indeed all complaints arising from Impurity cr the Blood. The popular belief ia "impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, lor scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible iu contaminated constitutions AYEKS CATHARTIC PILLS. For all the Purposes of a Family Phisic, are so composed that disease within; the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse and invigorate every portion of the human organism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed with pain cr physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting.

Wot only do they cure the eve-y Uav complaints oi every body, but also many formidable and dangerous Ihe agent below named is pleased to tur- msu gratis my American Almanac, containing oertin cates ol their cures and directions iot their use in the following complaints Costivenes, Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indi in and Morbid 'Inaction of the Bowels, flatulency, Loss of Appitite, Jaundice, and other Kindred complaints, arising from a low state ot the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE KAPID CL'KK OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, lironchitls, Incipient Consump tion, aud for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so numerous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds id persons publicly known, who have been restored tram alarming an even desperate dis eases oi the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to ou climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cures too numerous and too.

remarkable to be forgotten PREPARED BY UR. J. C. AYER A CO. LOWELL, MASS.

WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD, Raxeigh, and by Druggists and Merchants, throughout the State. At Wholesale by M. A. 4 C. A Santos, Norfolk and Piircell, Ladd A Richmond, Va.

mar 17 2t. F' IOR BEAUTIFYING AND IMPROVING THE have received the following iavorite articles, viz Mrs. Allen's Restorer and Zylabalsamnm and Ezekial's Restorer, Burnett's Cocoaine and Cocin, Rosemary and Castor Oil, Lowe's and Piver's Pomades, Demerson, Petit Jk Hygienique Societe and Monpelas Pomades, Tricopherous, Katbairon, Essence Bay Leaves, Sayne's Ilair Tonic, Philecome, and Pescud's Hair Tonic. Also, the most approved Hair Dyes known in this country. ror sale at PJiSCUD'S DRUG STOKE Raleigh, May 18, 180.

ma30 tl. BUIST'S FRESH AND NEW CROP TUR NIP SEED. CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING VARIE-ties: Early Large Flat Duch, isariy Ked Top, Ruta Bag, (a superior variety.) Large White Norfolk, Large YeUow-Norfolk, Large White Globe. Also, Altrlnsrham Carrot, Mandrel Wortzel Beet, and large Winter Drumhead Cabbage Seed. For bale in quantities to suit purchasers, st june 13 P.

PESCUD'g- DRUGS AND MEDICINES. rfHE SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOW RECEIVING JL their Spring and Summer supplies of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oiuj, Dyestufls, which has been carefully selected of the Importers aud manufacturers, to whieh they invite an examination from their and the public generally, feeling as sured they can please both in price and quality. WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD, apr 18 tf. Wholesale snd Retail Druggists. ERFUMERY AND EANCY AR- JT TICLES.

A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL stock of Extracts, Colognes. Pomatums, Hair Oils, Toilet Powder, Hair and Nail Brushes, Dressing and fine Worses, docket liooks, Satchells, Toilet Boxes, Segar Cases, and many other fine fancy goods from the celebrated factories of Lnbin, Piver, Hygienieque Society, towe A (Sous, Caudray, Monpelas, Glenn Sarin, and others, which we wUI take great pleasure in showing our friends, particularly the ladies. WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. HISMAN'S YEAST I POWDERS. MY Materials are-to hand, and Mr.

Chisman has put up a large quantity, all who have been waiting for supplies can send in their orders. It you doubt that tbese great uwders are not su perior to any now known, yoU can find testimonials from most respectable families in Raleigh, at my store, where you can be supplied at wholesale or re tail. P. F. PESCUD may 23 M1 R.

PARTON'S GREAT First Volume Ready. The Life of Andrew Jackson, by James Parton, 3 vols. 650 Pages eacn, with bteel Portraits, For Kale by HENRY TURNER, K. C. Bookstore.

Raleigh, February, I860. feb 22 ZEKIAL'S HAIR RESTORER lJi Growing more popular everyday. Call and get a Bottle. At PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. may 2-- TtLIDE ISLAND GUANO.

300 BAGS lA Elide Island Guaao, in store and for sale by DONNANS A JOHNSTON, ang 8 Petersburg Va. DHOES1 SUOES1I HOES A Large assortment A large assortment At TUCKER'S. ATE 11 COOLERS. KEEPS COOL ALT. Day with 5 pounds of Ice.

Water Coolers Wa'er Coolers Water Coolers 1 1 At TUCKER'S. Raleigh, May I8th. 1860. may 19-t. its be easuiug ear DIRECTORS.

Henry D. Turner, Raleigh John R. Williams, do. T. H.

Selby, do. C. W.D. Hatchings, do Kemp. Battle, do.

tieorge Little, do. James M. To wles, de. James E. Hoyt, Washington, Alexander Mitchell, Newborn Jos.

Q. Wright, Wilmington. John M. Jones, Eden ton. George W.

Charles, Elizabeth City. Jos Ramsay, Plymouth. 'J. W. Harrell, Murfreesborough H.

B. Williams, Charlotte. George A. Smith, Milton A. W.

Steel, Fayetteville. Joseph White, Anson county, Josh. Boner, Salem. A. P.

Sammy Asheville, OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. T. H. Selby, President. Henry D.

Turner, Vice do. John H. Brvan. Attorney. Hamdea S.

Smith, Secretary and Treasurer. T. H. Selbyi ex-offido, John R. Williams, Ex.

Committee. C. Wj-D. Hatchings, This Company has been in successful operation over 11 years, and continues to take risks uon all classes of property in the State, (eicept Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries) upon favorable terms. Its now cover property amounting to 000, a large portion of which is in country risks, and present capital is over Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bonds properly secured.

All communications in reference to insurance should addressed to the Secretary, postpaid. HAMDN s. SMITH, aee y. January 18tb, 1860. jan IS XTORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY RALEIGH, N.

THIS COMPANY takes risks upon ail healthy lives between the ages of 14 and 60 years for one vear. for seven years, or for life the assurers for life participating in the pro fits of the Company. Slaves between the ages of 10 and and 60 years, are insured for one or Overyears, for two-thirds their market value. All losses are paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. DIRECTORS FOR 1860 A3T 1861.

Charles E. Johnson, Wm. H. Jones, Wm. W.

Holden, II. W. Busted, J. G. Williams; P.

F. Peicud, Quentin Busbee, K. P. Battle, Wm. H.

McKee, J. M. Lovejoy, Charles B. Root, Everard Hall, 1 Rich'd H. Battle.

OFFICERS. Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President W.

W. Holden, VTice President. II. W. Husted, Attorney.

Wm. II. Jones, Treasurer. R. H.

Battle, Secretary. W. 11. McKee, Medical Examiner. W.

H. McKee, Charles B. Root," Executive Committee. Q. Busbee, For further information, the publio is referred to the pamphlets and forms of proposal, which may be obtained at the Office of the Company, or any of its Agencies.

Address R. H. BATTLE, Seo'y. Raleigh, Aug. 4th, 1860.

aug IS fTIHE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL 1 Life-Insurance Company, now in the tenth year Of successful operation, with a growing capital and a firmer hold upon publio confidence, continues to insure the lives of healthy persons from 14 to 60 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for lif all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insured for one year or for five years, for two-thirds of their value. All losses are punctually paid withi 90 days after satislactory proof is presented. For further information, the public is referred to Agents of the Company iu all parts of the State, and to R. H.

BATTLE, Suc'y. Raleigh, N. C. dec 18 ly MISCELLANEOUS: Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED always presents us with the same essential elements, and gives of course the True Standard. Analyse the Blood of a person Buffering from Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Ac, and we find in every instance certain deficiencies in the red globules ef Blood.

Stivvlv these deficiencies, and von are made well. The Blood Food is founded upon this xneory hence its astonishing success. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different diseases. For Coughs', Colds, Bronchitis, or any affection whatever of the Throat ot Lungs in ducing Consumption, use No. 1, which is also the No.

for Depression of Spirits, Loss of Appe tlte, and for all Chronic Complaints arising from Over-use, General Debility, and. Nervous Prostration. No. for Liver Complaints, No. 3, Dyspepsia.

Being already prepared for absorbing itis Taken by Drops and carried immediately into tne circulation, so tnat wnat you gam you retain. Thn Wn' A. in fnr Fpmaln Irroirn laritin. Hysteria, Weaknesses, See special directions for mis. Dor sail xtneum, Eruptions.

Serof ulous, Kidney, and Bladder Complaints, take jno. b. in all cases tne directions must be strictly fol lowed. iTice of the BLUUD FOOD 1 1 per bottle. Bold by UUUKUH 4 DUFONT, Druggists, No.

409 Broadway, New York- For sale in Raleigh, by Williams Havwood. r. f. rescud, and ireclrull Brothers And bv all respectable Druggists throughout the country mar? 8 1860. PAIsIi.


English, French, and American, IN LABQK STOCK AMD GEE AT YASISTY. I PLANTATION GOODS, In large Assortment. ALSO, a full line of Notions. Together with every class and description of Goods to be foun in Wholesale Houses North or South The trade of Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee, is invited to an examination oF the Goods how in Store. 1 Weekly additions will be added during 'he Season.

Orders promptly Executed. sept 8 tf CORN AND COTTON PLANTERS. SINCLAIR'S CELEBRATED CORN PLANTE Winchester's and Lancaster! Cotton Seed Planters, always on hand at manufacturer's prices, with freight only added. These great laborer saving machines will not only save in seed and laborer, but insure better stands of Crops than any other way of Planting. A word to the wise ought to be, 4 JAMES M.

TOWLES, Agt- Raleigh, March 1 th, 1860. maa 21. A BOXES SUPERIOR STARCH. vf For sale at may 33 PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. PRING STYLES OF HATS.

Nowonen W. H. R. S. TUCKER'S.

mar 13 0 RES 1 1 HOPS. CR OF 1859, IN STORE and for sale by, WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. January 2tth, I860. jM 25 RESH MINERAL gress, Rockbridge Alum, and -Green Brier Va, White Sulpher Water, also Rock Bridg Alum Forsaleat may 33 PESCClfa DRUG ST0REt ARCTIC REFRIGERATOR. ef this eelebratod make at band, all who use iee should have one of these iBdispensahlis.

Also, a good second-hand oae'ia store, which will be sold low. JAMES M. TOWLES, At May 28th, 1860. 1 maj 0- tf of all A I lie Scieo reued oa to rtv. A1 IMPACTION we are willing ti garantee them for WVE YEARS.

he Piano you bought us delighte the i neighborhood is the eon-nt news we those who purchase of uC have from Suoh TESTIMONIALS these iw tkVfr outk can be bestowed iu fmut of their We take pride in adve'rdsing'th uvwsiuuB aiiu uaitering assurances of action from purchaser than uurselves. satis- za P. NASH A CO. FALL STOCK OF SHOES. IV1LSON, MclLH VINK -J WHOLM8A1.K Utll.KM IN HOOTS AND SllOliS, TRUNKS, AC, 06 Sycamore Petersburg, InVILA M.ttAtititf1l tA tni, L-I1 i 9-rr nil w.

1 A ery owiCmike of Stitch-Down are not excelh'i style and durability. C-liNi buyer whether for cash or no tin. itadvanUgeous to examine this stock whem inmarW. rices and terms will be founj at least as be had elsewhere.

Orders will meet with prompt attention septU tf ALEXANDER ORGANS IN ADDITION to our Piano Forte Business, we have now THE OELKls HATED ALE.XANDE ORG AN most perfect Instrument oi its kind ever otforej The attention of clergymen is respectfully solicited to this new and Wonderful invention, lately patented in luu uulwu oiawa. is weu euiuju ior middle and larger sized churches, seminaries" Sunday Schools and the It supplies want' which has long been telt, and combines, Dy its various stops, (representiu -the flute, clarinet, fife, Hautboy, basson, clarion, hour" don, eonanglaia, sourdine, fortes and the grand' jeu or full ogan, with the expression,) the most delicious Strains and effects satisfy any true Liver l.mUSlO. large and varied assortment of the best for sale on our usual accomodating terms. P. NASH A sept 1 Petersburg, Va.

FAIRBANK'S STANDARD SCALES! Adapted to every branch where a correct and durable scale is required. Scales for Railroads, Scales for Miners and Coal Dealers, Warehouse and Transportation Scales, Portable and Dormant Scales for Stores, Scales for Grain and Flour Dealers, CounterfScales of all descriptions, All of which are 1 warranted in every parti -tilar. For sale at New Ytik prices, delivered in by GILLIAM A DUNLfJ, Va. Agents for Fairbanks A Nftw York, jan 4 3m JOHN MORRISON, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN IV ITU At No. I'Zl Sycamore Street, PETERSUI'RG, VA IV ATRLSSES kept on hand and made to order, IT I either of Hair, Cotton, Shuck, or Cotton ami Shuck.

FISK'S METALIC BURIAL CASES, Mahogany anl Poplar Coffins, always on hand. Hearses kept in good order to supply all orders for the ame. Also, the Indcstrm tible Terra Cotta Burial Case, which cannot corrode or ret by its position' the ground. Spring Beds, a new article; pleasant and cheap. A variety of Mantle and Toilet Glasses.

Please oa and. examine ny arge atoekof- Irorniturt: for yourselves, at the above number. mar 5-r- "WHERE DID YOU Bit YOUR PtANOf 'TAT' NASH'S!" -Q. And why'f A. Firstly, because it Is an established house, and for twenty odd years have told biases from Virginia te Texas, with unqualified satUfaction," Zudly.

13 ecause they buy very Xargelu for cash, and can afford.therelbre te sell at Jott rates, a has been proved by many1 persons who have purchased of them after having taken their price und compared them will. the MortUerm, Srdly. Boca se 1 prefer trading in a -responsible house, especially when I find they have sufficient fidence in their own articles to warrant them in SELLING UPON TRIAL, 1 GUABAWTKEINa SATISFACTION." E. I have removed their sto. to the 1 we maguifioent stores in the NEW- LIBRA kl BUILDINGS, corner of Sycamore and Bollingbmufc streets, Petersburg Va.

-jy 13 LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! AJTD PSl't IOY Watches, Jewelry, Silver, or Plated Ware, uru -jar NO WLAN'S STOCK -TSS; HE HAS JUST RETURNED FROM THK Northern Manufactories with Laree and Reaatiful Assortmeut of fashionable gooda, selected with -great eare in ri rence to style and quality, and BOUGHT WITH THE READY CASH Whereby he gets an advantage of per eentA At 25 Per Cent. Le.a I Than the same quality of goods can' be bought; ii worm a visit to nu nuira ta Patent Magit American Lever rWatek. or eke that winds and sets without Key i And the beantiful little Watch that days Fecuatsk.Pcs,. That when once filled with Ink, will write 10 hour. jser uaii early at THOS.

NOWXAN, Sign the Eagle; 34 Sycamorw Bt, sep 29 lm Petersburg, Va. cilvVA1NEvSON At CO.r PETERS- i-VJL BURG, Va- have now hi store and are raivinV their FALL supply of GROCERIES, consulting ir partoT' i if'-e. fi bbls. crushed, pewdered and Coffee Sugars, 20 halfr boxes of Soap, SOO bags Rio, Xagurra and JavaToffee, 3000 sides bemloek, Sola Leathef, 1000 tegs of Nails, assorted, 80 bexe Adamantine, Sperm and Tallow Candles, bale Gunny 3gging, 300 coils of Rope, assorted, -ri 56- una Iron, Swede, English and American, Ac, 300 packages of Snuft. and Egerton's." aid Also, various other articles to which we invite the attention of the trade and others in want at in our liner Special pertemat attention ptS te the sale of prouuee, i Petersburg, August 5.

ckaWtiAnos. aAVB JUST RBt i gl SEVERA more of tboee FULL SEVEN OCTAVE SEW IMPROVED SSALE withrtbe Iron Frame. These beautiful Instrument-rivat in tone Arid power, the eloony and costly Grand Piane. We bave'nowa fuiT and complete block, ALL 30UGHT fem CASS? and selected with great eare. JT, NASH A CO.

IRQN AND STEEL, WAREHOUSE, 1 Ji'Svcamflre at Petersburg. a. jGILLLAM Hav in rtow etvek of IRON anr STEEL, which they offer iu lots "to suit purcbesf, the lowest prieee. Jf II" English' and best -refined IR'Otf ill rites. 'iSwedee and Hateme IKON i Plough IR0N-HS to 10 Nail rods and Hdrse sloe IRON besi brands Half RtM4 IRON.

bXKtil Car Blister, Get-uaa, Round, M-Uin" and Spring. --i Also, SHEET IRON TIN LEAD TlORTKR WT A CASKS BEST bfands l.iutoii Porter, llll XX Alf. a For yf -gBBLKS, PJLUMMER, A CO. i BBLS, COFFEE, CRUSHED, cct-Idaf. powdered, and rranulated Sugars.

In store Bgl tf. PEEBLES, PLUMMER CO. (it Moore and Montgomery W. D.Doxod.k iiichmdnd and Hobeaon-vii 'a jjoenery. Anson and Union S.H.

Walkup. Guilford J. M. Morehead. Caswell Bedford Brown.

Rrmkino-ham P. L. SimnSOD. Z'hb-T Mecklenburg John Walker. Cabarrus, and Stanly F.

C. Barriner. 4 1st 43 rd" 44th ii 45tb Rowan and Davws J. w. Jiamsey.

'Davidson John TF. Thomas. -Stokes and Forsythe J. Waugh. Ashe, Surryk Watauga and Yadkin Dobson.

i Iredell, Wilkes and Alexander L. Q. Sharpe. Burke, McDowell nd Caldwell W. a.

very Lincoln, Gaston and Uataw Da jasper Stowe. 5 43ub Ruthefordfaid Cleveland A. W. Bur- ton. 49th Biincdmbe, Henderson, Yancey and Madison Marcus J5rwiB.

nth Havwood. Maeon. Cherokee and Jack son W. H. Thomas.

HOUSE OF I liSocrats (in Roman) 4 UnionisU (in Hal-icsly Democratic mfljonty 8. Aianee Odes Mebane Snd Jno. TapsctC Alesrtnder Dr. John M. Carson.

AusoiIt-L. L. Polk and E. R. Liles, Aslio and Alleghany T.

N. Crumjiler. Burkiii J. II. Pearson.

A. S. Merrimon. m. Dav.

Bertit* LV: P. T. Henry, and J. B. Ferguson.

Beaufort R. S. DotineU and W.jT. Marsh. Bruiitswfck TlD.

Mearrs. Cabarfua Wm S. Ildrris. Catawba Jonas CI ine. C.

C. Alfred; Gin.iLTland and Harnett C. G- Wright, J-as. Harrington arid Jno. C.

Williams ChuWan Smalls 4 Columbus N. L. Williamson. Catiicb-n D. D.

Ferebee: Cartfft-i). W. Whitehurst. iCbcrokee Qeo. W.

Hayes. CaoU.AlJohTi Kerr and SP. Hill JChfl.tikm T. Bvnumv J. Greek and IF.

P. itaylor. Cai'fwell TTm. Dickson. Currituck M.

Baxter. Clev'Uiud A. G. Waters and 'Logan Dttv.d.-on E. B.

Clark and L. Ha'nes. Davie--' Howard. Dai)Ua-J. G.

Branch and J. StanforJ. R. Brideers and J. S.

Woodard Frrs) lb Gen. J. F. Pomdexter and P. Barrow, F.

H. -White." Grniiviltc W. -H. P. Jenkins, ik II.

Cannady and Bullock. Guiltord C. Shober, C. P. Mendeuhall and Julius L.

Gortell. i Green A. D. Speight. GateSh- Joh? Boothe.

Haj wood Dr. S. L. Love. Halifax.

A. H. Davis aud W. B. Herlfrd J.

J. "ireates. HydSTitmuh Farrow. Heriuer.ion J.P.Jordan. J.

K. Sirriontcn A. B. F. Gaither.

J. Love, Jr. Ward. -i Watson and J. Mibphener.

i Lenoir J. C. Lincoln J. F. Hoke.

Madia ki John fa*gg. Martini "McDowell 7. H. Burgen.l Sloore Kelley. Montgomery E.

Q. L. Barringer. Mat'on D. JSiler Mecklenburg S.

W. Davis and J. M. Potts. Nash H.

G. Williams. Net? Hanoter S. J. Person and Daniel Shaw.

Northamnton Matthew W. Ransom and Onylow J. II. Foy. (Jrang W.

NJPaUirson and H. B. Guthrie. Pasquotank Jno. T.

Williams. Perquinions Nathan Newby. Pitt BJ G. AlbriUoh and C. Wilkinson.

Alex McMillan and Eli Wishfirrt. Rockinghaim- Rawley Galloway and Thos. Slade, Kowan JN. JJV Mall ana JN. s.

lemmg Rulberford C. T. ft. Davis and H. Padgett Randolph.

ZT. Foust and T. It. Wtnslow, Richmond -J. G.

Blue. SanipfeonN, O. Antry and G. W. Faison.

Surry N. M. "Waugh. i Stokes Horatio Kallum. Stanly Green." -Charles MctJleese.

MJnionTO. Lemmond. Wakfrr-Sl H. Rogers, J. P.

H. Jtuss and Henry Wordecai. Warren J. Batchelor and W. H.

Cheek. 'Washington Chas. Latham. Watauga G. N.

Folk. Wayne W. T. Jortch and Mi K. Crawford SVilkea.

W. Martin and" P. Horton. Yancy Jacob W. Bovimari.

Democratio, majority on joint ballot, 20. TIOYS 1 4 TOYS I AT COST. -i ALSO, SEGARs AND SMOKING TOBACCO. A LARGE ASSORTMENT on hand, and selling at eos- at the old Stand of 7 DODD A SHE hr-ALL AND WINTER CLOTlt- i860. Subscriber has just re- turned ire be th the'Northern cities with a large and beau tiful assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING AND ENTLEMEN'SFURNISHING goods, wh'ica be will tell upon such terms as cannot fail to please.

All in need of Fall and Winter Clothing will find it to their Interest to call at the Corner if Fayetteville Street and Market Square, where they will find Clothing of every "description, from the" finest to the lowest priced. HACKlfEY POOLE! Standard a44 Tress eopy lm. se 2U HISMAN'S YEAST OR BAKING POWDERS rHESE EXCELLENT. POWDERS ARE DAILY growing in public favor, and the demand for them as beoome so frriMtt that it is with difficulty the manu- jturer can keep the marketsupplied. Another large i ipply just ready and for sala by, mar 17 F.TESCUD.

ifnUBNER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMA 'I nac, for the year of our Lord.1861. Published and sold, wholesale and retail, by II. D. TUKH KK, at the North Carolina Book Stare. Ralelgb, oe27 i.

The Raleigh Register from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.