Springfield Evening Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 4. THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 29, 1944 17 Winners Prove Worth in War Effort Checkup of Small Tourney Selectees at State Shows That Outstanding Boys Have Been Chosen AMHERST, Feb. 29-With the School Basketball Tournament set 11, in the Amherst College cage, be particularly interested to know They are the boys who have been as worthy of the tourney acholarship. was curious to know about these honor and has gathered in some and what they are doing. The first tourney scholarship award as made in 1933 and the recipient was Robert Bieber of Hatfield.

Bob went to Massachusetts State where he played both basketball and soccer. He was an ROTC man at State, too, 80 it is not surprising that he is now a captain in the Army. Just where he is, is not certain but he is attached to the headquarters of the Seventh Army and his mail goes to APO 158, Care Postmaster, New York. Fred Riel Is Coaching In 1934 awards were made, one going to Frederick Riel of Turners Falls, who with his twin brother Fran, collaborated to illuminate eral pages of athletic history at MSC, and the other to Raymond Montagna of Agawam whose alma mater WAS American International College. Riel taught served as athletic director at Deerfield High for several years but is located Plunkett High School, Andover, where he continues to do a fine coaching job.

Montagna taught for three years at Agawam High before entering the service. At last report he was A first lieutenant in the Array and stationed In Maryland. Near-by Westover Field where he serving as recreation and ation officer at the station hospital is the present assignment of Second Lieutenant Myron Hager, the 1935 award winner. After graduating front State in 1940 Myron taught at derson A Academy, Ashfield, before induction in 1911. commission is In the medical detachment of the Air Corps.

Three Hadley boys have made the grade over the last 11 years and been awarded tourney scholarships and the first of the trio was Neznayko in 1936. Right now he is Sec. ond Lieutenant Michael Neznayko and serving in India. After Ing from State in 1940 he was a part time instructor at MSC and later at the University of Connecticut. Then came enlistment in the Army, a course in meteorology at New York University and at its close, a commission.

Hawaii is hellered to be where Bill Walsh of Feeding Hills and Agawam from State, Bill was in the insurance business for a time and then decided to cast his lot with the Navy. He is an ensign. Northampton's Jim Hurley in also A Navy ensign. "Right now I am at Western Massachusetts Small High for next week on March 8, 9, 10 and there will be 8 dozen boys who will that the tourney is still carrying on. chosen at the close of each tourney Tourney Manager Larry Briggs recipients of the tourney's highest interesting data on their whereabouts the Naval Training School at Fort Schuyler, New York," says Jim in recent letter.

"Although it isn't definite, I expect my next orders will be to the General Ordnance School in Washington, D. C. After that I'll probably attend one more short course specialist school and then may be appointed to sea duty." Jim had his troubles enlisting, first being turned down by the Naval Air Corps on account of imperfect color So for a time he worked in the Alabama Ordnance Works at Childersburg, as a control chemist. the imperfect color vision A A and a comMay, 1943, along Came a waiver on mission as an ensign. Further training is ahead of Stan Bubriski who is now at Camp Sibert.

Alabama. A native of Housatonic and a graduate of Searlos High School, Great Barrington, he graduated from MISC in 1913 and was sent to Officers Candidate Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, receiving a commission a second lieutenant in October, 1913. Bubriski, the 1939 award winner, 1 was followed 1910 by another Searles High boy, Charlie Dolby, Charlie left Massachusetts State in October. 1912, and enlisted in the Navy as an apprentice seaman. He trained at the Newport.

R. Electrical School, Edison Consolidated, Lido Beach. Long Island and Brooklyn Navy Yard. He is now an trician's mate. third class, on the Destroyer Dortch.

Another Hadley boy, Leon Gizienski, left State in his sophom*ore year to work at home on farm, as his two brothers are in the service and he was sorely needed there. Larry Briggs, tourney manager, received a very interesting reply from Eddie McGrath of St. Michael's High, Northampton, an Easthampton boy, who won the scholarship in 1942. Writes Eddie: "My father sent me a copy of the letter you sent me. I was very a happy to hear that the tournament directors still took an interest in past winners.

I suppose you wonder, what I have been doing since I left Mass. State in May. Well. I joined the Navy and after that boot camp, and then Norfolk, Ta. From there I caught A transport which brought me to my ship.

I have been on the Destroyer Clark for about three months now. Practically all this time hAs been spent 7 P.M. WEZA AND ALL NBC STATIONS TUNE IN five CHESTERFIELD'S Fred Waring and nights a week PLEASURE TIME his Pennsylvanians VOTED THE BEST 15 minutes on the Air for the fifth consecutive year by America's Radio Editors Chesterfield MYERS TOBACO 5 the WINNER CHESTERFIELD'S 5 KEY WORDS FOR SMOKING PLEASURE RIGHT COMBINATION WORLD'S BEST TOBACCOS Copyright 1944, LAGGATT MYES TOBACCO Co. out to sea. At present I am working in Radar and find this field interesting and like it exceedingly well.

"Since I came aboard ship I hare played quite a bit of baseball. The captain sports-minded man who encourages athletics to the utmost. We play baseball at every port. Besides a baseball team we have a basketball team, Since I left State I realize what a happy time 1 had there. miss everybody back there very much." The third Hadley boy to win a scholarship, 1943 award, and the last one to be made, is Frank Kulas.

His stay at MSC WAS short as he left at the end of the first semester of the present college year. He is enlisted in the SV-5 program and is due to report at Williams College sometime this month. PROGRAM HIGH LIGHTS Talks and CommentsArthur Gaeth, WHAI. 11.00 a. Baukhage Talking, WSPR, 1 p.

1 p.m.; Hubert Kregeloh, WSPR, 6.15 p.m.; Lowell Thomas, WBZA, 6.45 p.m.; Fulton Lewis, WHYN, 7 p.m.; J. W. Vandercook, WBZA, 7.15 p.m.; John Barry, WBZA, 7.45 p. Gabriel Heatter, WHYN, 9 p. Raymond G.

Swing, WSPR, 10 p. John B. Hughes, WHYN, 10 p. m. The Ronald Colman Program -With Ida Lupino as his guest star in "Rogue Male," WBZA, WTIC, 7.30 p.m.

American Melody Hour- -With Eileen Farrell, Bob Hannon and Evelyn MacGregor, Chorus and Orchestra, WMAS, 7.30 p.m. Big Town- With Edward Pawley and Fran Carlon In leading roles, WMAS, 8 p.m. Duty's Gracie Fields Ed as "Archie" guest, WSPR, GardHorace, Heidt's WTIC, 8.30 Treasure p.m. Chest The Mystery Theater -Mystery story series, WBZA, WTIC, 9 p.m. George Burns and Gracie Allen Comedy program, with Dorothy Lamour as guest, WMAS, 9 p.m.

Report to the Nation -Dramatization of news of the week, Quentin Reynolds as narrator, Maj. Andre Baruch and Col. Keith Compton as guests, WAIAS, 9.30 p.m. Fibber McGee and Molly. Comedy series, WBZA, WTIC, 9.30 p.m.

American Forum of the -WHYN, 9.30 p.m. Romance IMAS, 10 p.m. Bob Hope and Company -Variety program, WBZA, WTIC, 10 p.m. Congress Speaks- WMIAS, 10.30 p.m. Creeps by Night-Starring Boris Karloft, WSPR, 10.30 p.m.

Words at Mary Tallulah Bankhead starred Served on Bataan," W'BZA, 11.30 p.m. PRESENTS Hubert Kregeloh 6.15 P. M. WSPR in his up-to-the-minute "UNDERSTAND THE WAR" commentary. 8:00 A.

M. Martin Agronsky "DAILY WAR JOURNAL," broadcasting direct from Washington, D.C. Listen to these programs Mondays through Fridays WSPR TONIGHT at 9:30 tune in WMAS "Report 0 TO THE NATION" "AMERICA'S PROGRAM ACE OF DRAMATIZED NEWS' BROUGHT TO YOU BY Western Massachusetts Electric Company WHEN MILO DOES BUT WHEN HE THE TOWN HE TOSSES THE OLD DOUGH TONIGHT'S MY GOES TO CHURCH, AROUND LIKE NIGHT TO HOWL! HE PARTS WITH A SKY'S TH' LIMIT! DIME LIKE IT WAS THERE'S MORE HIS RIGHT LEG WHERE THIS Thanx to CAME MANY CONTRIBUTORS The Swing Shift Biving Vs. Murray Polish Orchestra Sinfonietta The Swing Shift Biving Vs. Murray Polish Orchestra Sinfonietta WEDNESDAY MORNING 1 COPR.


6.00| News News of the Hour Terry and the Pirates News News 6.15 Raytheon Review Dinner Concert Hubert Kregeloh Conn. on the Alert Minute 6.30 D'Arrigo Serenader Service Unlimited Over the Back Fence Strictly Sports Victory Theater Prevue 6.45 Lowell Thomas World Today; J. Harsch Henry J. Taylor Lowell Thomas Candlelight and Silver 7.00 Fred Waring's Orches. Words, Music, Songtime News Fred Waring's Orches, Fulton Lewis, Jr.

7.15 Nawa of the World Harry Jaines Harmony Caravan News of World The Flufferettes 7.30| Ronald Colman Show American Melody Hour Confidentially Yours Ronald Colman Show Confidentially Yours 7.45 Ronald Colman Show American Melody Hour Metropolitan Opera Ronald Colman Show WAVES on -the Air 8.00 Johnny Presents Big Town Watch the World Go by Johnny Presenta Strings With Wings 8.15|Johnny Presents Big Town Lum 'n' Abner Johnny Fulton Oursler 8.30 A Date With Judy Rancho Canova Duffy's Tavern Treasure Chest Pick 'n' Pat 8.45 A Date With Judy Rancho: Bill Henry Duffy's Tavern Treasure Chest Pick 'n' Pat 9.00| Mystery Theater Burns and Allen Famous Jury Trials Mystery Theater Gabriel Heatter 9.15| Mystery Theater Burns and Allen Famous Jury Trials Mystery Theater Bob Ripley Show 9.30| Fibber McGee Molly to the Spotlight Bands Fibber McGee American Forum Air 9.45 Fibber McGee Molly Report to the Nation Spotlight Bands Fibber McGee Molly American Forum of Alr 10.00| Bob Hope and Company Special Red Cross Prog. R. G. Swing Bob Company American Forum of Air 10.15| Bob Hope and Company Special Red Cross Prog. Chester Bowles Bob Hope and Company Sunny Skylar, gongs 10.30 Red Skelton Co.

9peaks Creeps by Night Red Skelton Co. San Quentin on Air 10.45| Red Skelton Co. Congress 9peaks Creeps by Night Red 9kelton Co. San Quentin on Air 11.00 News of Hour News News News 11.15| Weather Forecast The Swing Shift Biving V9. Murray Harkness, Washington Dance Orchestra A.M.| WBZA, 1030 K.

6.00| Now Eng. Farm Hour 6.15 New Eng. Farm Hour 6.30| New Eng. Farm Hour 6.45 New Ens. Farm Hour 7.00 News; Rise and Shine 7.15 Dress Parade 7.30 News 7.45| Revellle Roundup 8.00 The Wax Museum 8.15 The Wax Museum 8.30| NeWS 8.45| You Are What You Eat 9.00| Mildred Carlson 9.15| Church in Wild wood 9.30 Food News.

McMullen 9.45| Between the Lines 10.00| Lora Lawton 10.15| Robert St. John 10.30| Help Mate 10.43| Chet Gaylord, Songs Road of Life 11.15 Vic and Sade 11.30| Brave Tomorrow 11.45| David Harum P.M.I WBZA, 1030 K. 12.00| News: Weather 12.16| You're Tellin' Us 12.30 Marjorie Mills L2.45| Marjorie Mills 1.00 The Little Show 1.15 The Little Show 1.30 News 1.45| The Editor's Daughter 2.00 The Guiding Light 2.15|Today's Children 2.30| Light of the World 2.45 Hymns of All Churches 3.00| Woman of America 3.16| Ma Perkins 3.30| Pepper Young 3.45 Right to Happiness 4.00| Backstage Wife 4.15| Stella Dallas 4.30 Lorenzo Jones 4.45| Widder Brown 5.00| When a Girl Marries 6.15 Portia Faces Life 5.30 Just Plain Bill 5.45 Front Page Farrell P.M.| WBZA, 1030 K. 6,00 News; Sports 6.15 Kay Ivers Melodeora 6.30|Jesting With Jesters 6.45| Lowell Thomas Fred Waring's Orches. 7.15| News of the World 7.30|8trings That Sing 7.451 John Barry, News 8.00| Mr.

and Mra. 8.15 Mr. and Mra. North 8.30| Beat the Band 8.45 Beat the Band 9.00| Eddie Cantor Show 9.15| Eddie Cantor Show 9.30| Mr. Attorney 9.45| Mr.

District Attorney 11.30 Words at War 11.45| Words at War WMAS, 1450 K. WSPR. 1270 K. WTIC, 1080 K. WHYN, 1400 K.

Farmers' Digest News Reveille Reveille: News News of the Hour Sacred Heart Program Morning Watch Sacred Heart Program Early Edition News Morning Watch News Indian Orch. Air Depot Westover' Patrol Morning Watch Happy News: I. O. Air Depot Westover Patrol Morning Watch Musical Clock Salute the Boot Martin Agronsky News News News of the World Top o'the Morning World News Breakfast Hour Coffee Club News Summary Radio Bazar Breakfast Shopper's Special Chapel of the Air Radio Breakfast Hour News Breakfast Club Radio Bazar to Breakfast Hour School of the Air Breakfast Club Hymn Singer Food News School of the Air Breakfast Club Wartime Food News Helen Hope Isabel Manning Hewson Breakfast Club Between the Lines Pioneer Valley Theater Valiant Lady Sweet River Lora Lawton News; 1400 Club Stories America Loves Morning Memories Robt. St.

John, news 1400 Club The Open Door News Help Mate 1400 Club Bachelor's Children The Listening Post Music Room 1400 Club Music for Milady Breakfast at Sardis Vic and Sade The Band Stand Headline Roundup Breakfast Road 1 of Life News Morning Shopper Gilbert Martyn, News Brave Tomorrow Happy Joe end Ralph Aunt Jenny Virginia Roberta David Harum What's Your Idea? WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON WMAS, 1450 K. WSPR. 1210 K. WTIC, 1080 K. WHYN, 1400 K.

Kate Smith Speaks Polish-American Prog. Betty and Bob Boake Carter News of the Hour Polish -American Prog. Luncheonaires News Helen Trent Romance Farm and Home Hour Marjorie Mills News Our Gal Sunday Farm Home four Marjorle Mills Theater News To the 1. Ladies Baukbage Talking News Ray Dady, News Treasury Star: Parade Musical Interlude Melodies in Time Jack Berch Show D'Artega Presents Melody Mustangs Dance Orchestra Words in the News News of the Hour Howard S. Palmer Longmire Presents Merry- -Go.

Round Dr. Malone News Hostess Program News; Merry-go-Round Joyce Jordan, M.D. The Mystery Chef Hostess Program Yankee Kitchen Te Love and Learn Ladies Seated Medical Talk Yankee Kitchen Here's Your War Job Ladies Be Seated Day Dreams, B. Rainey Mutual Goes Calling Mary Marlin Morton Downey Songs Woman of America Sheelah Carter, News Elizabeth Bemis, News My True Story Ma Perkins Palmer House Orches. Matinee in Swingtime My True Story Pepper Young's Family Yankee Kitchen in Swingtime Melodic Moods Right to Happiness Yankee Kitchen Broadway Matinee Blue Frolics Backstage Wife Walter Compton.

New: Broadway Matinee Blue Frolics Stella Dallas Across Footlights Matinee Swingtime Time Views the News Lorenzo Jones Detective Mysteries In Swingtime The Sea Hound Widder Brown Detective Myateries Matinee in Swingtime News When a Girl Marries News Rig Country Dick Tracy Portia Faces Life Say It With Music Sports Roundup Jack Armstrong Just Plain BIll Chick Carter American Women Captain Midnight Front Page Farrell I Superman WEDNESDAY EVENING WALAS, 1450 WSPR. 1270 K. ITIC, 1080 K. WAYN. 1400 K.

Newg of the Hour Terry and the Pirates News News To Your Good Health Hubert Kregeloh Prof. Andre Schenker Minute Melodies of Program AIC Discussion Series Serenaders Let's Back the Attack World Today: J. Harisch Henry J. Taylor Lowell Thomas Candlelight and Silver Words, Music and Song News Fred Waring's Orches. Fulton Lewly, Jr.

Easy Harry Aces James Harmony Caravan World News Red Cross Program Easy Aces Masterworks of Music Conn. on the A Alert Victory Orchestra Masterworks of Music Treasury Star Parade Victory Sammy Kaye Show Wtach the World Go by Jir. and Mra. North Ceril Brown, Com'tator Sammy Kaye Show Lum 'n' Abner Mr. and Mrs.

North Fulton Oursler Dr. Christian My Best. Girlg Beat the Band Date With Cugat Dr. Christian: B. Henry My Best Girls Beat the Band With Curat Frank Sinatra Show Dunninger Eddie Show Gabriel Heatter Frank Sinatra Show Dunninger Eddie Cantor Show Bob Ripley Show Jack Carson Spotlight Bands Mr.

District Attorney Merry Cavaliers Orches. Jack Carson Show Spotlight Bands Mr. District Attorney Merry Cavaliers Orches. Raymond G. Swing Kay Music Kay Armen Sings Kay Carnival Symphonette.

M. Plastro Kay Carniva' Symphonette. M. Piastro Kay Hour News News Raymond Z. Ilenle Harkness, Dance Orchestra Author's Dance Orchestra Author's of the story of Marines engaged in, their historic and bloody campaign was brought home in a choice of sequences from the book designed to depict the intimate relations of men living under the most savage conditions and in the very shadow of death.

Radio Theater has done many fine things, but none finer than "Guadalcanal Diary." It can be classed as a demonstration of radio drama at its best and an adequate replica of this monument to the Marines. On its side of the ledger, Screen Guild Theater ran off another kind of demonstration. Here the play, "Three Men on a Horse," was given a workout. A large part of the humor and novelty of the play was lost in Screen Guild's hurried production. radio play hardly scratched the surface.

in trying class to farce. fit into The a result half fell hour short a of satisfying these ears tonthe extent that it sacrificed good to the exigencies of a short broadcast. A. score of feature programs will be run off this evening in behalf of the national Red Cross war fund drive which opens officially tomorrow. Outstanding for their attractiveness should be addresses by Gen.

Dwight Eisenhower from London and Thomas F. Dewey from New York. For the next few days listeners will have no chance to forget that a great drive in the name of mercy is under way. Back from a. speaking tour in the West, Wendell L.

Willkie is a nounced as a March of Time guest on NBC Thursday night to discuss "Unity in party government in the U. Monty Woolley, his contract having expired, has dropped out of Among the Schoolboys Three Teams Are Not Interested in Play-Off: Tourney Here for Western Mass. Title By James Mackie Refusals appear to be the order of the day in this year's Springfield College invitation tournament, and last night Searles High of Great Barring. ton and Hopkins Academy of Hadley joined Pittsfield High to become the three teams definitely not interested in the event that has for its purpose the determining of A Western Massachusetts representative to the New England championships at Brown University, March 16, 17 and 18. So far, West Springfield, Bartlett High of Webster and Fitchburg High are the only teams classed as sure starters.

The action of the Searles officials leaves West Springfield high and dry in the tournament proper without going through the formalities of a preliminary contest. The Searles team, winner of the South. Berkshire League pennant this is chiefly concerned with then forthcoming county championship play-off against the North, preferred Berkshire to pass League up title the oppor- holder, tunity to take part in the Springfield College event. It had been hoped to match Searles and the Test Siders in a. game Friday night, with the survivor meeting the victor of the Webster-Fitchburg game.

Hopkins Also Declines Following Searles' withdrawal, an effort was made by Wendell (Manny) Mansfield, tournament manager, to induce Hopkins Academy to enter and tackle West Springfield, but the Hadclub, which is one of the alternates for the Massachusetts State College Small High School tourney, also to be held early next month, didn't feel like participating. So West Springfield is assured one of the berths in the four-team tournament. The Westfield-Holyoke Valley League game in Holyoke, Friday night will provide another entrant; the victor in the North Berkshire League title play-offe (unless it happens to he Pittsfield) will be the third team, while the fourth will come from the game between Webster and Fitchburg. The current spring-like weather be; ing enjoyed by most folks is frowned upon by coaches and players in the Springfield Interschool Hockey League. who have.

just about given up all hope of completing the ule and crowning a champion. A similar situation was experienced last spring, and in fact no city ice pion has ruled the roost since military authorities took over the Eastern States Coliseum and the schoolboy pucksters were forced to move to the decidedly unsatisfactory outdoor rink Forest Park. That is, unsatisfactory from a weather angle. Tech Admits Failure Coach Henry Batt of Tech ently is of the opinion there will be no more hockey possible this year. for he has called in the equipment from Tiger sextet.

Over Classical, Coach Sid Burr hasn't gone that far but the Bulldog mentor believes he is hoping against hope and that eventually he will request the return of sticks, napato and other paraphernalia. Last Saturday the Classical team was slated to face Williston in Fasthampton. hut. poor ice up there caused a cancellation. Whether Classical, which won the first round and is setting the pace just now, will be declared champion of the Interschool Ipague will have 10 await a conference of the coaches and Bob Berry, assistant director of physical education in the Springfield schools.

Three games remain played on the schedule. Classical- Ca: thedral, Classical-Trade and dral-Tech, and the Bulldogs need other victory to clinch the crown. A suggestion has been advanced that the local schools drop the idea of trying to run the Interschool Hockey League until the Coliseum is once again able for the ice sport. Reserved seats are still plentiful at Maher's Sporting Goods store in Westfield for tomorrow night's 101- bleheader hoop bill at the Westfield Armory. features games tween Sacred Heart of Holyoke Westfield High, and Ludlow and Westfield Trade.

CLASSIFIED ADS START HERE 'ANNOUNCEMENTS Business Announcements ALL BURNS. moth holes, tears, rewoven Cloth, hosiery, invisible mending. tile Reweaving, 1211 Main St. 4-7041 BURNS, moth holes, tears, rewoven. Modern Reweaving, 18 Vernon St.

4-1546. CLOGGED DRAINS Electric "Razor Kleened" or no charge. No digging. Rote Rooter, any hour, any day. 4.3754.

WINDOWS, P. CLEANED M. CALL 7-2723 Florists FLOWERS for all occasions, bouquets, floral designs, etc. WENK'S FLORISTS, 128 Hanco*ck St. Tel.2-119÷.

Personals Federal tax returns, ,0 yrs, experience. ACCOUNTANT -Will as ist with State Eves. 509 Plumtree Ria. Phone 4-2935. ASSISTANCE -Federa! and State tax returns by qualified person.

34 Biiss ST. 10 YRS. EXPERIENCE. 2-1250. Long.

4-8837. ASISTANCE -INCOME TAXES. POMONA 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. daily Sundays.

BAY PATH TRAINED tax assistance. Francis, 234 Plumtree Rd. Phone 4-6611. FEDERAL and State Income Tax Returns Computed. Reas.

105 High St. 3-4244. FEDERAL AND State income tax returns prepared for individuals. Eves. and Sat.

Westford Circle, 3-1894. INCOME TAX Returns Call Anytime T-1844. 485 Maple Longmeadow. INCOME TAX MANUEL A. NEIGHER Tax Specialist Accountant 64 Lester St.


4-2089 1247 1 MAIN ST. DAILY 9-5, EVE. 7-10. INCOME TAX RETURNS made out. Short form long form Call 4-3604 for appt.

Special hours fo: defense workers 47 Rochelle St. INCOME TAX assistance at your convenfence. FEDERAL STATE, 'Tel. 6-1712. 43 ROCHELLE ST.


Call 3-4384 or 4-1336 for appointment. STATE FEDERAL TAXES FILED anytime, 5 yeare 19 Lathrop West 9pringfeld. 3-9149. Lost and Found 10 BILLFOLD LOST at the belonging to Canadian CUAC. Please return 448 Page Blvd.

Reward. BRACELET lost in the vicinity of Plainfield St. or Main St. or on route 10 Westfeld. This is 8 Navy bracelet.

Phone 6-2959. Valuable for keepsake. BRACELET (identification) lost, engraved I. F. Crowley.

Tel. 4-7429. BROWN LEATHER Hand Bag lost hetween Southwirk Westfield. Call Chicopee 694-M. Reward.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Lost 'and Found 10 DIAMOND RINGS (2) lost in Hotel BridgWAY Thurs, ore. Liberal reward, sentimental reasons. Tel. 2-5725. DOG LOST -French bulldog.

black with white spot 01 chest, female. Child's pet. 3-0729. DOG -Black, part Newfoundland 7 mos. old.

Name, P'al. Tel. 2-5690. FOUND--Green Cheveon lounging chair cover at Locust Mill St. Owner may have by paying for ad.

2-2963 after 5. LADY'S Waltham wrist watch lost, somewhere in Agawam, sentimental value. Reward. 2-2492. LADY'S White Gold Gruen wrist watch lost on Sumner Ave.

bus or downtown section. Tel. 3-6713. Reward. LOST wire haired Scotch Terrier.

vic. Montgomery Chicopee Falls. Finder please call Chicopee 1346-M. PEKINESE with one Are. Lic.

lost in the vicinity of Glenwood. Tel. Reward, PUPPY FOUND IN M'KNIGHT SECTION. TEL. 3-1344 PERSON who found ostrich skin billfold please return to serviceman's wife.

11P4 perately in need of it. Call North. 2349-J. SUM OF MONEY lost at Auction Odd. Fellows Hall.

West Feb. 23. Reward. Tel. 4-2597.

AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 CHRYSLER 1911 deluxe sedan, like new, radio, heater, low mileage, 5 new tires. special bumper guards, signal light wheel rings, deluxe upholstery. Call after 4 p. m. 7-9149.

CLUB CONV. COUPE. :910, 28,000 miles, R. 2 spotlights A-1 cond. 3-6415, DODGE 1938 Sedan, good condition, good tires.

10 Rochelle St. Phone 9147 After p.m. DODGE '37 4-Dr. very clean, ly overhauled, good tires. Tel.

3-3415. FORD. 1939-Perfect running condition. Ex cellent tires. Tel.

6-7131. FORD 1941 STATION WAGON J. C. NOWAK BROS. 316 Meadow Willimansett.

FORD trade ing-Good selection. all types. early late models, $13 to $1130. AutO Sales 35 liberty, next to OLDS Six Touring Sedan. Sacrifice, Shone 4-0825.

PACKARD-1340 conv. cluh coupe, H. good tIres, excel. $796. Phone 2-7681 after 2 p.

m. No dealers. AUTOMOBILES Trucks For Sale 113 PONTIAC 1941 torpedo deluxo sedan. ceptionally beaut. $1200, No deal.

PLY. 1940, Club Coupe. excellent paint, tires And motor. Tel. 4-9586.

P'LYMOUTH 1940 Convertible Coupe, new tires. h. r. No dealers. Amherst 673-M 41 Desoto 2-door Sedan Chrysler New York Sedan Dodge 2-door Serian Ralph D.

Jones. 721 Worthington St. Trucks For Sale 11A DODGE ton panel body truck. Low Supply 243 Worthington St. MACK A Dump.

Good tires. Tel. 4-2734. DIAMOND "T' Dump truck ton body, 1034 hydraulic hoist. Tel.

3-0140. FEDERAL TRUCK 1931 RACK BODY. Call 4-8087. TRUCK BODY semi van, like new 1: Tel, Westfiell 2040-M. FORD TRICK, 500 gal.

tank meter hose, good tires, A-1 condition $423. 19:9 Cher. dump 1 1 condition can be At Trdol Station, cor. Wilcox St. c'olumbus time, ('all 6-6980.

PORI: 1940 DELUXe coupe. mileage 24,400 in A-1 cond. Tires good. with radio 331 heater. Pr.

$825. Chas. Erno, Western Brattleboro, Vt. Tel 176-4. House Trailers 11B HOUSE TRAILER -Sleeps 4, almost new.

TARS. Andrews, 1430 Boston Rd. 8-1988. PARTIALLY Furnished House Trailer. keas.

Owner being drafted. Call 2-6468. Auto Accessories GENUINE CHEVROLET parts. wholesale and retail. Big stock.

al! And els. Now Chevrolet engine again available. Restore new car or truck performance and economy ai small COst. Leader Chevrolet 120 West Aald West Springfield. TO PROLONG the life 01 sour car and fuel you must replace the norp parts for rebuilt or new parts.

Hardly an orphan car that GENDEN cannot supply parts for. 4387 Maln St. 6-3481. WALKER ELECTRIC GARAGE LIFT. but slightly used.

I. 0. Paul, Gill, Mass. Service Stations-Repairing AUTOMOBILES simonized, exp. wk.

done (al betw. 10 a. m. 2 p. m.

8-1389. Wanted -Automobiles 17 A $25 TO $30 Better offer for your used car. $1250 for low Intifa*ge 1941 tiar. Olds. or Buick.

Hest prices for 1936 to 1942 cars. International Motor Car West A Spfld. Tel. 6-1826, AUTOMOBILES wanted spot cash. high: est prices paid.

Louis Cohen, 595 Maia St. Open evenings. Tel. 4-8894. ANY AUTOMOBILE Late modeis pure chased.

No walting. Young Motor Co. Dealer. 510 Main St. 6-9194 BEST CASII PRICES ON fate models, A makes.

J. C. PYRNES, 34 Sumner 10.00|Kay Kyser Great Momenta, 10.15| Kay Kyser Great Moments. L0.30| Kay Kyser Cresta Blanca 10.45| Kay Kyser Cresta Blanca 11.00|News News of the 11.15| Weather Forecast Swing Shift 11.30| Music Want Swing Shift 11.45 Musio You Swing Shift Ears of the Air Radio Theater's production of dalcanal Diary" last night was an exceptional example of effective radio adaptation. It also afforded the CBS sound department plenty of activity In creating realistic background for hell in the jungle.

The full effect Cigar explodes while George Burns What will explode in George's face tonight? Is there a special meaning to Gracie's impish look? What involved plot is her brain hatching up? Will you fall out of your chair laughing at the fireworks? Could be! Tune in George Burns Gracie Allen (.. Guest Star, Dorothy Lamour. Tonight WMAS 9 P. M. By LEWP Kyser Royal Arch Gunnison Kyser Arch Ward, Sports Kyser Dance Orchestra Kyser Dance Orchestra News Washington Dance Orchestra Playhouse Orchestra Playhouse.

Dance Orchestra the Sammy Kaye show on CBS Wednesday nights. His replacement hasn't been announced beyond the fact that Jack Douglas, who last fall turned comedian after A career AS gag writer, will he guest this week. From 11.13 tonight until the finish the Blue Network will switch to Cleveland to pick up Earl Harper's details about the light heavyweight fight between Jimmy Bivins and Lee Q. Murphy. Fights Last Night B3y the Associated Press PHILADELPHIA Ike Williams, 138, Trenton, N.

knocked out Ellis Phillips, 132, Philadelphia, 1. Harold "Jamaica" Smith, 149, Philadelphia, knocked out Don Eddy, 148, Niagara Falls, 4, PITTSBURGS Juste Fontaine, 131, Milwaukee, knocked out Jerry Darby, 130, New York, 2. Ervin Hicks, 141, Pittsburgh, knocked out Jerry. McGee, 149, New York, 4. HOLYOKE Lou Salica, 121, New York, stopped Mario Colon, 128, Mexico, 10, Jack Kearns, 164, Hartford, knocked out Stonewall Jackson, 164, Philadelphia, 3.

BALTIMORE Curtis Sheppard, 186, Pittsburgh, outpointed Al Hart, 225, Washington, 12. Tuffy Cummings, 136. British Navy, outpointed l'vt. Buddy Garcia, 131, Aberdeen, 6. WASHINGTON Tommy Mollis.

132, Baltimore, outpointed Bee Bee Washington, 153, Washington, 8. Jimmy Bell, 183, Washington, outpointed Billy Duncan, 180, Buffalo, 8. RESWICK WILL PAY yoU CASIL FOR YOUR CAR lighest Prices -J'rompt Action CALL ANYTIME, C. K. BESWICK, 833 White St, Tel 2-1341.


C. NOWAK 316 Meador St. Willimansett. Tel. Holyoke 9064 or 2-0577.

DON'T SELL YOUR CAR UNTIL YOU GET OUR PRICE. LEADER LET WEST SUFLD, FORDS and makes, late models, prices. Center's, 000 Columbus. 8-1115. HIGHEST PRICES--Paid for any automobile.

DUNN MOTORS, 445 Ma n. LATE MODELS, all makes. ton prires l'ine P'oint 1366 State 91. 5-1335, LATE CLUB COUPE, 6 cyt. preferred.

Tow mileage. Westfield 1207 after 1. m1. OLD MODEL Cadillac, Pierce-Arrow of Packard wanted. must in cond condition Will pay raah.


WANTED A 1911 or '42 Pontine, Oldsmahile. Dodge, Chrysler or Buick. Will pay $1200 cash imme.liately for low Age car. Write, giving make, year, model, mileage car has been general condition, and your phone her. Address Auto, 312 Union Office.

WANTED--A 1341 or 1919 Chevrolet, Fort or Plymouth. pay $1400 rash for low mileage car. Write. give ing make. sear.

model, mileage car has heen driven, xeneral condition and your phone number. Address Wanted. Box 314 Union Office. WANTED-(lean '39, 40 or '41 CAr from private party, Call Spfld. 8572 days.

WANTED late model aul0, good trond. cash. No dealera. Box 412 I'nion Office. WE WILL, PAY FOR CLEAN CARS FORD CHEV.

to $223 to $:,00 to 2100 to $330 to to BUICK PONTIAC 10 $900 41-Up tr 81200 ROBERT: J. JOHNSTON CO. 470 MAIN AT. TEL. 7-2483.

3-3820 BUSINESS SERVICE Exterminators BIRCHARD SYSTEM. INC Service and Materials Est. 1900. 1694 Main St. Rm.

218 Tel. 6-3321.

Springfield Evening Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.